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  1. eteson

    Manzur La Aldea "Alboflavum"

    David Manzur made this cross using his albiflorum clone of the schlimii fma. manzuri with a besseae fma. flavum. It is a charming flower. Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
  2. eteson

    Phrag. longifolium fma. gracile

    This is the tiny longifolium gracile, it was a gift from a friend and it seems to me quite interesting! I am crossing it with anguloi to make a Sedenii-like hybrid but smaller. Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
  3. eteson


    Yes you are right. This is our Sedenii made with manzurii. Petals are shorter. Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
  4. eteson


  5. eteson

    kovachii "Bogotano"

    A better picture. I put aside our best anguloi. Enviado desde mi SM-J700M mediante Tapatalk
  6. eteson

    kovachii "Bogotano"

    Hi John. Thanks for your comments!. Yes you are very right, the form and size are strongly dependent on the temperatures in Phrags. Here we are having 25C max and 12C min and the kovachii plants are growing very fine and producing decent flowers. Will try to take a better picture tomorrow, today...
  7. eteson

    kovachii "Bogotano"

    This is a first blooming plant. I think that it is from Alfredo Manrique but I am not sure because I lost the tag . I got from him few tiny plants about 7 years ago and killed most part of them before our move to colder climate. It is not so big (6 inch) but I think that it is going to be a...
  8. eteson

    Phrag Richteri x Schlimii

    So Nice! I love it!
  9. eteson

    Phragmipedium Faust's Great Expectation

    great expectation for a great cross!
  10. eteson

    Phrag Tom Lang #4

    I like it!
  11. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    The wild population is quite healthy with several hundreds plants! The only reason why it remained un-rediscoverd is because it is in one area where only fisherman arrive. Only one plant was taken some years ago and it was growing in the collecion of one of my friends that did not know about the...
  12. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    The x sib is always the first cross, but it is fun to play making other crosses.
  13. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    If you want whites...what about crossing it with xrichteri? :evil:
  14. eteson

    Phrag. longifolium v. album

    It is a very nice one. Are you breeding with it?
  15. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    Eric, It is going to be very soon.
  16. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    Sure! We are making dissections of the flowers of all the known populations of schlimii, anguloi, fischeri and andreettae. It is going to be the core of my WOC talk. Also it is included in the Braem book. I feel so lucky of having hundreds of "schlimii" flowers to study and dissect :)
  17. eteson

    The rediscovery of the schlimii albiflorum

    It was found in the Central Cordillera of Colombia during the late 1800s. I think that very-very few plants remain in cultivation in Europe, if any at all. It was only rediscovered very recently by a fisherman. It is the palest form of schlimii, very narrow leaves and quite vigorous.
  18. eteson

    several Phragmipediums

    It is longifolium... hartwegii is synomim of longifolium. Someone invented that the "bald" longifolium is hartwegii but hartwegii was never described this way. This is a very interestin reading...
  19. eteson

    several Phragmipediums

    Thanks a lot Florian. The staminode shape can be somehow variable in this species. Also the hairs are in some populations absent. Look this one from South Colombia.
  20. eteson

    several Phragmipediums

    Sorry Roberto I do not get your point about the staminode shape. Why is different a longifolium fma capadendense fom a regular one? In some pictures the side lobes of the pouch does have a somehow different pattern of dotting... but in the illustration seems to me the same as the regular...