Your are right. In comparison with other chappadense it looks very different. But it looks different to a straight longifolium too. Maybe it is a deformed Plant?
Sorry Roberto I do not get your point about the staminode shape. Why is different a longifolium fma capadendense fom a regular one? In some pictures the side lobes of the pouch does have a somehow different pattern of dotting... but in the illustration seems to me the same as the regular one.
The only difference i can allways see is that the hairs on the staminode is darkbrown on a longifolium and redbrown on a chapadense. On My plant it is more reddish. The form of the staminode of my plant dosen' t fit to a normal longifolium or chapadense.
Maybe it is a chapadense with a deformed staminode?
Thanks a lot Florian. The staminode shape can be somehow variable in this species. Also the hairs are in some populations absent.
Look this one from South Colombia.