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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. SlipperFan


    Thanks for all your replies. I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Wait and see, I guess...
  2. SlipperFan

    Rung hybrid

    It has ended, anyway.
  3. SlipperFan

    Paph philippinense

    This was my first favorite long-petaled Paph. Still one of them.
  4. SlipperFan

    Paph. Yang-Ji Diamond

    Gorgeous! I need one of these.
  5. SlipperFan

    Paphiopedilum sp....

  6. SlipperFan

    Paph. delenatii

    Another one of Fred's nice plants.
  7. SlipperFan

    Fireball Family Portrait

    Lovely family!
  8. SlipperFan

    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball

    Great red!
  9. SlipperFan

    Dracula gigas X Dracula chiroptera

    Cute monkey-face.
  10. SlipperFan

    Schoenorchis fragrans

  11. SlipperFan

    Blc. Golden Tang

    I think it will become more yellow with age.
  12. SlipperFan

    Hurricane Michael

    The pictures they are showing on the news are devastating. So much destruction. Between the wind and the water, nothing is left untouched.
  13. SlipperFan


    I haven't used Photobucket since they announced they were going to start charging for their services. The last time I tried to access pictures on Slippertalk that were hosted by Photobucket, they were not visible -- just an icon with a message about their new service. But now I see my photos...
  14. SlipperFan

    Phragmipedium Waunakee Doll

    Beautiful color, Jean-Pierre!
  15. SlipperFan

    Rung hybrid

    That is an interesting hybrid! An unusual combination with wonderful results. Too bad it is in Europe.
  16. SlipperFan

    Paph. adductum

  17. SlipperFan

    Paph. Iantha Stage 2018

    That's a good show for getting lots of great plants, for sure!
  18. SlipperFan

    Greetings from Houston!

    Welcome, Tim! Keep pestering Rick -- he's a great resource!