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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. RNCollins

    Happy Birthday Ray

    Happy Birthday Ray! Thanks for all the help with the counter top RO system! My orchids thank you! :)
  2. RNCollins


    I'm glad you are ok Charles.
  3. RNCollins

    Third time's a charm

    Welcome Robert to the forum from New York State. I used to live/work in Monterey/Salinas about 10 years ago. That's when I got started with the orchids...
  4. RNCollins

    chc supplements

    Are you thinking about a rinse? I remember seeing this for sale somewhere but I can't remember where it was offered.
  5. RNCollins

    Paphiopedilum Mabelle

    The trip was wonderful! I will post some pictures when I get them organized.
  6. RNCollins

    Paphiopedilum Mabelle

    Hi Neil! Beautiful flower!
  7. RNCollins

    Paph. delenatii var. vinicolour

    It's beautiful!
  8. RNCollins

    Woodstream Orchids 2015 Open House

    Thanks Eric, CNYCharles and HappyPaphy (Neil) for a great day! We put over 600 miles on the car! And yes Eric, it's too bad about the state trooper pulling us over... At least I didn't get a ticket! This is what I brought home with me: Flask of: Phrag. Spot On 'Rose Revolution'...
  9. RNCollins

    Woodstream Orchids 2015 Open House

    Hi Charles, It looks like we will go NJ Turnpike to Rt 301 to Rt 2, to avoid Baltimore and DC.
  10. RNCollins

    Woodstream Orchids 2015 Open House

    Eric, Happypaphy7, and myself are meeting at Eric's apartment early Saturday morning. We're going to pick you up on the way?
  11. RNCollins

    Staying cheerful when feeling lousy...

    I like to look at Orchid Limited online catalog... They have good pictures and little videos of some of their orchids. Check out their Paphs and Phrags... Wow! Check out what $5,000.00 will get you...
  12. RNCollins

    New Phrags!

    What I do for my Phrags. (I think this was a tip from NYEric) that sit in water is put LECA in the bottom of the container... Then put your bark mix or whatever you prefer on top of it so the bark sits above the water. That way the bark decomposes more slowly. Kelleys Korner has coarse...
  13. RNCollins

    Yellow Spots And Drooping, Dying Paph Collection

    Welcome to the forum from New York State! My suggestion is to get the powdered cinnamon off the roots... Cinnamon is a desiccant, it will dry out and damage the roots.
  14. RNCollins

    Paphio henryanum

    Love the pink!
  15. RNCollins

    Hello from Norfolk in the UK

    Welcome Mark from New York State! I'm a newbie and I've learned a lot from others on this site. Search through old posts, ask questions, etc. And we would love to see pictures of your orchids!
  16. RNCollins

    N. Jersey OS Show & Sale Jan 16-18

    This isn't even in the Woodstream thread! :rollhappy:
  17. RNCollins

    N. Jersey OS Show & Sale Jan 16-18

    Charles, I'm meeting Eric and Neil in Manhattan. Where are you? I can pick you up on the way.
  18. RNCollins

    N. Jersey OS Show & Sale Jan 16-18

    Hi Eric, I sent you a PM
  19. RNCollins

    N. Jersey OS Show & Sale Jan 16-18

    I haven't decided yet if I am going... I think I'll save my budget for the Woodstream open house :clap:
  20. RNCollins

    Orchid Room

    Your plants look great! Where do you keep your humidity at?