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Everything looks quote healthy, especially that bench with the jumbo's. Are those the roths? Thanks for sharing.
Hey- How come the floor is clean and not warped:confused:

Things are looking really good Justin. What are the real big plants on the left top shelf?
Yeah, I was going to comment on the clean and orderly aspect of a great
growing room. Your plants look wonderfully well-grown. The floor looks
like Pergo and that flooring will take just about anything.
Looks like you need some space. I'd be happy to foster a few for you!

On the reals how are the Raptor x babies fairing?
All those lights create alot of heat, l don't see any fans? What do u use for humudity? GREAT GROW AREA!!! I'm jealous lol..
Thanks everyone!

RNCollins, for the winter i try to keep them at 30-50%. We have a large whole-house humidifier that works pretty well. In the summer the RH is around 50%. I de-humidify the basement in the summer too.

Rick the big plants on the left are lowii. They are monsters but the biggest one flowers twice per year so they are worth it.

Abax the floor is real wood but it is sealed with oil-based polyurethane. I take all the trays out to the front porch to water everything (yes it's a pain) so the floor only has to contend with some drops here and there. (The other room is where we keep our small dogs and that room got a triple coat to protect from their frequent "accidents"). So far so good.

Adam the Raptor flask is doing great. I'll have to post some flask updates soon.

Troy, the heat isn't too bad since the ceilings are so high. There is plenty of air circulation in the house so i don't need to use fans for the plants. It's difficult enough to keep them wet as it is.
Looks great.
We must run dehumidifier full time in basement. I use the water on the pitcher plants and orchids.
Please send my apologies to your real wood floors. We just installed Pergo
after a lot of nasty dog scratches on white oak floors. Seventeen years of
dogs sliding around did 'em in.

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