Nice show! That specimen Thunia is huge!!! I did not expect a Thunia to dwarf a Dend Gatton Sunray beside it.. And do you happen to know the name of the flaming red dendrobium in the centre of the same photo?
Nice.. but again, barbatum and callosum show enormous variation depending on locality. The barbatum leaves look very pale. I find this species likes lower light than callosum.
Thanks for the informative guide.. This year, I tried 2 flasks, 1 catt and 1 dend (Formosae) but have yet to try a paph flask (rarely available here). Will follow your guide when I do get my hands on one..
Nice... Interesting that the floral parts could still change even after they have been pre-determined, as you mentioned 'They were all setting male buds when I overexposed them'..