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  1. paphioboy

    Paph. dayanum

    Gorgeous! Too bad this species needs cool nights for long term survival..
  2. paphioboy

    Ponerorchis graminifolia

    Very nice eye-catching markings! Looks like this species may be quite stunning when blooming en masse in its natural environment?
  3. paphioboy

    Malvern International Orchid Show UK

    Nice show! That specimen Thunia is huge!!! I did not expect a Thunia to dwarf a Dend Gatton Sunray beside it.. And do you happen to know the name of the flaming red dendrobium in the centre of the same photo?
  4. paphioboy

    paphiopedilum Burma Road

    Nice combination!
  5. paphioboy

    Armeni White

    OMG!!! :clap::clap::clap:
  6. paphioboy

    Armeni White

    Can we see the whole plant please?
  7. paphioboy

    I think it is

    Gorgeous! Is it blooming on a single mature fan?
  8. paphioboy

    Paph wossner kolorand 2017

  9. paphioboy

    Paph Armeni White 'Supreme' AM/AOS

    Wow.. that's spectacular! :clap::clap:
  10. paphioboy

    a few barbatum

    Very red examples of this species... Where/who were they from?
  11. paphioboy

    Paph. supardii

    Really gorgeous! I love it.. How many growths are there?
  12. paphioboy

    Paph. gigantifoliums

    Wow! Superb..
  13. paphioboy

    Behind the Scenes at The Huntington

    That stonei and PEOY is just ridiculous!!! :clap::clap::clap: I love this, whatever it is..
  14. paphioboy

    Paphiopedilum dayanum

    Absolutely gorgeous... Try to self this plant when it is strong enough.. Yours is probably ex-wild origin.
  15. paphioboy

    barbatum, callosum and potentianum

    Nice.. but again, barbatum and callosum show enormous variation depending on locality. The barbatum leaves look very pale. I find this species likes lower light than callosum.
  16. paphioboy

    The Coryopedilum Chronicles II - Deflasking the old fashioned way

    Thanks for the informative guide.. This year, I tried 2 flasks, 1 catt and 1 dend (Formosae) but have yet to try a paph flask (rarely available here). Will follow your guide when I do get my hands on one..
  17. paphioboy

    Paph. Temptation 'Wacousta' FCC/AOS

    Gorgeous! The phili (roebelinii) is strong in this one.. :D
  18. paphioboy

    Comparing callosum alliance

    Very nice comparison..
  19. paphioboy

    Catasetum Brent's Black Hawk

    Nice... Interesting that the floral parts could still change even after they have been pre-determined, as you mentioned 'They were all setting male buds when I overexposed them'..
  20. paphioboy

    Homegrown Hamilton ladyslippers

    Wow! Fantastic! :clap::clap::clap: What mulch is it that you use, John? Looks like CHC to me.. :confused: