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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. paphioboy

    Bulbophyllum orthosepalum

    Nice duckbill! :p
  2. paphioboy

    Paph Rolfei

    Wow.. beautiful.. I think Rolfei 'Vampira' is offered by Nicky Zurcher's nursery in South Australia..?
  3. paphioboy

    Paphiopedilum delenatii blooming in situ

    Beautiful and informative pics.. I find it striking that of the many photos of paphs in-situ posted on this site, although many of the semi-terrestrial/ lithophytic species grow on relatively wet surfaces that support moss growth, the paphs are rarely seen in proximity with ferns or other dense...
  4. paphioboy

    Paph. Bellatulum x In Charm Greenery

  5. paphioboy

    Den amethystoglossum

    Beautifully grown and bloomed!
  6. paphioboy

    Den sanguinolentum

    Interesting how one of our local dend species finds its way down under :) The flowers are cute but the plant habit is straggly.. one reason I have been delaying in getting one myself. Free-flowering?
  7. paphioboy

    Paphiopedilum malipoense

    Very nice!
  8. paphioboy

    Cypripedium calceolus

    Those seedlings look freaky! :p I love the look, almost like fungal mycelium.
  9. paphioboy

    leucochilum 'No 2'

  10. paphioboy

    A few vandaceous

    Bought as ascocentrum miniatum, but I don't think it is.. Looks close to Ascocenda Pralor. Quite compact and free flowering. One of my favourite vandas, Papilionanda Mimi Palmer. Fragrant when the flowers are exposed to sun, just like some Encyclias. Also free-flowering. This has been in...
  11. paphioboy

    Some catts

    Thanks all for the comments. :) Haadyai Delight is a mostly yellow flower, some clones have slight greenish cast or some orange on the lip. It is a compact BLC with relatively large flowers but personally not to my taste as the lip flares open, exposing the column entirely.
  12. paphioboy


    Very nice... Parishii can grow hot but need regular watering or the plant will be stressed. Can flower hot too but the petals do not twist as much as when bloomed in cooler conditions.
  13. paphioboy

    Bud watching for sanderianums, wilhelminiaes and other multi floral hybrids

    Great growing! What is it that you spray on your plants? Fungicide? What type and frequency?
  14. paphioboy

    Two Spicerianum Hybrids

    Nice, both of them.. Lathamianum is supposed to be a vigorous clumping plant, recently a bunch of these from Taiwan made it over here.. a vendor offered to sell me one big pot with a dozen flower spikes, but I got one with only 2.. :p
  15. paphioboy

    Paph. delenatii

    Beautiful, both of them!
  16. paphioboy

    Paph. wardii fma. alboviride

  17. paphioboy

    Paph. sukhakulii

  18. paphioboy

    Paph Bowl Wow

    It has... character :D
  19. paphioboy

    Paph haynaldianum, Paph Shun Fa Golden

    Beautiful haynaldianum!