A few more (indoors):
Dend draconis - just bought from my friend. Pretty large solitary flower on this plant and opening quite nicely. I love the sunrise pattern on the lip. This section of dendrobiums (Formosae) seem to grow and flower pretty well indoors by a bright curtainless window. The...
Nice acquisitions.. Maybe its just me or the excessively hot tropical lowland conditions that I have, but I find the vinicolour Maudiae types much more difficult than the normal/flame/coloratum types. The albas seem pretty heat tolerant. Possibly due to most of the vinis having...
Not a good sign but I cannot help you. A couple of my Maudiae-types also turned this way when grown indoors. I do not see this when I grew them outdoors, so not sure why. Multifloras and other paphs grown indoors do not exhibit this symptom.
Yes, this plant was quite stressed by not enough water when grown at my friend's farm with desert rose (Adenium), but did manage to spike. The new growths are ok now, no symptoms of spider mite.
This has been quite slow to develop as I was watering it a bit inconsistently but glad it didn't blast. The spikes are pretty long for bellatulum but droopy if I didn't stake them.
Stunning! Love this species and its numerous hybrids. The only drawback is the very untidy growing habit.
The Brazilian Miltonias and Colombian Miltoniopsis are two different genera. Miltonias are warm growing, Miltoniopsis like it cool. Miltonias are easy grow, given conditions just like...