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  1. PaphMadMan

    No name paph about to bloom

    It will be interesting to see the flowers when they are fully open. You describe it as sequential, with at least 3 blooms, but the plant doesn't seem to show any sequential ancestry, only Maudiae-type. I'll be watching for updates.
  2. PaphMadMan

    pH of rainwater - alkaline?!

    The mild acidity of rainwater in most places is due to dissolved carbon dioxide, typically putting it between 7.0 and 5.5 or so. But as nearly pure water without any buffering capacity that acidity is nearly meaningless. As soon as you add something like fertilizer to that water the pH is...
  3. PaphMadMan

    pH of rainwater - alkaline?!

    A couple points. If you are only testing a solution that is close to neutral, say 6-8, then a one point calibration at 7.0 is perfectly reasonable. If you want to be accurate over a range then a 2 or 3 point calibration is better, but your meter doesn't support that anyway. The fact that the...
  4. PaphMadMan

    Native MN slippers

    Please folks, if you post anything publicly about locations you will be endangering those Cyp populations. Certainly some of it is public knowledge, but we don't need to make it easy for anyone looking to make some quick cash or fill their yard with wild Cyps.
  5. PaphMadMan

    Agdia Strips

    I haven't used Agdia strips, but I use similar products in my work. I would agree that if they had been stored properly and the control worked they should be reliable.
  6. PaphMadMan

    2 forms of Paph callosum

    I'm not a Latin scholar, nor have I read the original description of Cypripedium callosum var. sublaeve. Braem says the description states that warts are only on the upper edge of the petals. I think laeve could be translated as smooth. So perhaps sublaeve describes the lower part of the...
  7. PaphMadMan

    Cyp calcicola

    That is truly amazing.
  8. PaphMadMan

    Still a bit confused about Grow & Bloom Fertilisers with Phrags.

    "Bloom" fertilizers are 99% marketing hype when it comes to growing orchids, and most people use them exactly the wrong way besides. Using them when you see a spike is too late, almost exactly out of cycle. Some even give those wrong instructions just because it is what people expect. They...
  9. PaphMadMan

    My First Ho Chi Minh in bud at long last!

    Excellent color and decent form. Is it fading yet?
  10. PaphMadMan

    Neofinetia Myengwol

    That is just all kinds of gorgeous from any angle, and no matter what the ancestry.
  11. PaphMadMan

    Flying wilhy

    It is good to see that flying wilhy refers to one that looks like it is soaring rather than one you threw out a 27th floor window for under-performing. Excellent clone.
  12. PaphMadMan


    Absolutely Calurum.
  13. PaphMadMan

    something different

    There are only 2 possible explanations for that. The judges were just plain lazy and didn't want to work that hard, or they were so Paph-ignorant they had no idea what they were looking at. BTW... (micranthum x Fanaticum) is Paph Charlandzegary (Charlandzegary x rothschildianum) is Paph...
  14. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum concolor (RED)

    After looking at many many pictures of Paph concolor to find some that actually show the whole staminode as clearly as we see it here, I just can't agree with you. The central crease is more prominent than average here, but not outside the range. The color distribution is different, just as it...
  15. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum concolor (RED)

    Hybrid? You are all hallucinating. Everything about the flower and plant as a whole is within normal range for concolor as far as these pictures can show, including the staminode, except for color distribution. Color or color distribution alone is usually a matter of a couple gene alleles...
  16. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum concolor (RED)

    What x concolor could possibly produce this? Other than the atypical color distribution what about this plant isn't concolor?
  17. PaphMadMan

    my StoveTop orchids

    That Sedirea is astounding. It would compare favorably to any of the CCM/AOS award stats for the species, and probably rivals the best of the quality awards as well. Whatever you're doing, keep it up! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
  18. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum concolor (RED)

    I've never seen anything like that. Was this plant in the wild?
  19. PaphMadMan

    New descriptions don't stop coming.

    Looking at provisions of electronic publication, the document must be PDF format, complying with ISO archival standards. Copies should be placed in multiple online repositories and printed copies should be distributed to multiple institutions. Any author that wants to get credit for precedence...
  20. PaphMadMan

    Paph. fowliei vinicolor
