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  1. PaphMadMan

    Venustum normal?

    I wouldn't consider that amount of reflex abnormal for wild type venustum, just no longer typical for the selected line bred plants of the last couple decades. And photographs tend to show the best days of the good flatter clones, leaving a skewed impression of what is normal.
  2. PaphMadMan


    As Ray pointed out, charcoal that isn't the activated type doesn't absorb in the same way, so doesn't have the same possibility to accumulate "whatever" and release it later. In fact, probably no more so than many other media components. Ideally, horticultural charcoal is exactly the opposite...
  3. PaphMadMan


    Charcoal is a relatively light weight material that does not break down, and holds water while maintaining aeration. In other words, it is a nearly ideal component of orchid media. Whatever other benefit people imagine is greatly over-estimated or fairly short term in action. Whatever...
  4. PaphMadMan

    Paphiopedilum canhii in bud

    Data seems to support it being in its own subgenus. Braem calls it subgenus Megastaminodium. I'm not sure if there has been a contradictory treatment published.
  5. PaphMadMan

    Orchid Wiz vs. Orchids Plus

    After a few months I find Orchids Plus of very limited usefulness unless you are looking for AOS awards information. If it hasn't gotten an AOS award it doesn't exist. Complete AOS awards information but very little else. OrchidWiz has most of that except the official award pictures, and so...
  6. PaphMadMan

    Paph. fairrieanum 'Vinh Huy Nguyen' FCC/AOS

    Wow. I didn't anticipate "haters gotta hate" getting such a strong reaction. That perhaps demonstrates the connotation of the phrase as well as anything. Once someone has a negative reaction, reasoned or not, it may be unlikely to change their mind. It may be used with humorous intent (as it...
  7. PaphMadMan

    Paph. fairrieanum 'Vinh Huy Nguyen' FCC/AOS

    Haters gotta hate, John. I'd say it is exceptional in part because it is dwarf, and the flower is actually huge compared to the tiny plant. And the form and color certainly are exceptional too. Unless it proves to be hormonally manipulated I don't think the haters have made their case at all.
  8. PaphMadMan

    Paph Pedro's Moon HCC

    That puts right between 2 previous awards in overall size (78pts and 82pts), and it appears to be a more rounded balanced flower than the one other (78pts) that was a bit larger, though not quite as good as the 82pt AM. I'd say the judges did their job in this case.
  9. PaphMadMan

    Paph Pedro's Moon HCC

    It is good form for the type and there aren't many awards to compare it too. If measurements put it in range or larger than those awards I don't think an HCC is surprising. Thanks for posting.
  10. PaphMadMan

    Paph. fairrieanum 'Vinh Huy Nguyen' FCC/AOS

    "Normal" flowers don't get awarded.
  11. PaphMadMan

    Repotting Paphs

    It depends on your own experience with repotting. If plants generally show no set back after repotting for you then I would only avoid the 2-3 weeks just before and after bud opening in most cases. Or if a plant has been a bud blaster in the past, then wait.
  12. PaphMadMan

    Paph. fairrieanum 'Vinh Huy Nguyen' FCC/AOS

    It would be interesting to see if the growth habit and size changes over time, and flower form too. How much is due to suppressed growth? As it is, the flower is huge relative to the plant though tiny in absolute terms. The color is very nice and the form is superb. It certainly deserves...
  13. PaphMadMan

    Hello, i am new

    Welcome Patrick. To clarify: Paphiopedilum hangianum x leucochilum is registered as Paph Nathaniel's KY. Paphiopedilum armeniacum x primulinum is registered as Paph Golddollar.
  14. PaphMadMan

    Hi all

    Welcome Lynette. Plenty of knowledge and interest here on Slippertalk in those lowly non-slipper orchids as well.
  15. PaphMadMan

    Just an inquiry...

    Seriously, he's not nearly as bad as I expected, so far. And I still think it is more likely he will resign because he can't stand not being praised constantly. Sooner or later he's going to remember he never really wanted the job and could have a much easier life with no one ever...
  16. PaphMadMan

    I'm kind when I say ugly

    It seems to me that if one did not have expectations of what this should look like based on past observation of vietnamense that it would almost certainly be viewed as beautiful and unique. It is worth noting that for most of us our perception of what vietnamense (or most species) should look...
  17. PaphMadMan


    Gorgeous specimens for sure. Sometimes even orchid judges have not been able to tell Bruno from spicerianum, and just imagine the challenge with Paph The Gurka (spicerianum x Bruno), or Paph Nepal (The Gurka x Bruno). And this is certainly not the only case of a species that must be...
  18. PaphMadMan

    A tale of two cities

    Is that an auto-correct error, or a deliberate comment on the addictive nature of orchids?
  19. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Hellas 'Westonbirt' FCC/RHS

    The good old days, when a complex Paph still looked more like an orchid than like a plastic satellite dish.
  20. PaphMadMan

    Paphidopedilum complex yellow

    Definitely have to add charlesworthii and villosum to that list. And yes, probably impossible.