Venustum normal?

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Aug 14, 2014
Reaction score
This is a new pick up from the show last month, but originally from Quintal Farm. It is from the same batch as my other venustum.

Color is ugly, but it's got three new growths going! :)

I know the petals curve backward at varying degree, but isn't this a bit too much?? Or is it that everyone post when they are rather "fresh"??

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I don't think I've seen any with the petals that far back. Mine has been open quite some time and it is not that excessive and it is only the ends of the petals. I've flowered several dozen of these and none of those were flat after they had been open for more than a few weeks. I've seen several flat ones at various times, but I suspect they had just opened. Mike
Thanks for the input, Mike.
Wow~ you bloomed out several dozens??
I have about 30 seedlings from a flask.
These grow very fast, but I'm afraid I'll have to let go of most of them.
Probably keep five.
I want something with strong red on the petal tip and pouch.
I wouldn't consider that amount of reflex abnormal for wild type venustum, just no longer typical for the selected line bred plants of the last couple decades. And photographs tend to show the best days of the good flatter clones, leaving a skewed impression of what is normal.
My venustum curves so much that two petals almost touch each other. It's still in bloom.

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That's normal for even the current breeding. Very rare you get a truly flat venustum.

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Lol every week I check the flower, the petals curve more and more.

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