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  1. PaphMadMan

    I'm kind when I say ugly

    If it stays in bloom for 6 weeks it is worth breeding, no matter how ugly you think it is. So many vietnamense barely make it a week. The coloring is interesting too.
  2. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Bellatulum x In Charm Greenery

    I'm aware that having an academic background in plant genetics and plant breeding gives me a different perspective than the typical orchid breeding mind-set. But does Ross expect a cross with Paph helenae to have a perfect complex shape? I doubt it, but it is a necessary first step to new...
  3. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Bellatulum x In Charm Greenery

    Any breeding program that isn't looking ahead at least 3-4 generations is limited in its goals. Without bellatulum there would never be Paeony (1956) and its nearly 1700 progeny, dozens of them registered in the last 2 years; or F. C. Puddle (1932) and its over 1900 progeny again including...
  4. PaphMadMan

    To use Epsom salts or not?

    Applying awesome math and chemistry skills, 145mg/liter of calcium is almost exactly equivalent to 360ppm total hardness expressed as calcium carbonate. It is true that hardness in general is due to mostly calcium and magnesium compounds, primarily carbonates, but in your water essentially all...
  5. PaphMadMan

    Paph Nike's Sunny Delight Bloom Problem

    I agree it looks like damage while in bud - physical, chemical, heat, pest - all possible. Slight chance for dehydration induced spot calcium deficiency. Slighter chance for viral necrosis. In all cases, unless it repeats or there are more general widespread symptoms there is no cause for concern.
  6. PaphMadMan

    Taxonomic list of recognized paphs

    The Plantlist and the World Checklist may be pulling from the same sources but they do not have congruent information. The Plantlist does not have an entry for Paph rungsuriyanum, at least there is no match on a search and it does not appear in the complete list of entries for...
  7. PaphMadMan


    Happy Groundhog Day!
  8. PaphMadMan

    Taxonomic list of recognized paphs

    Not sure what you mean. When it says a name is accepted that means it is the accepted name for that species. If it wasn't considered a valid species it wouldn't be listed as an accepted name either. Can you give an example where you think it is ambiguous?
  9. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Bellatulum x In Charm Greenery

    Really? Paph bellatulum crosses have been an integral part of complex Paph breeding from the beginning.
  10. PaphMadMan

    Taxonomic list of recognized paphs

    There is also the Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, of course. I think it tends to be more current. For example, Kew recognizes Paph rungsuriyanum, 2014 publication. The Plant List and Tropicos apparently haven't heard of it yet. A complete and current list of described taxa is...
  11. PaphMadMan

    Paph. Bellatulum x In Charm Greenery

    I love the color and spotting. The form is a little awkward. In-Charm Greenery is a pretty typical green with white complex, more white in the dorsal than many, Yerba Buena x Golden Days, registered 2004.
  12. PaphMadMan

    Best Ways to Deal with Stolons other than Basket?

    Somehow I had managed to stop myself from making the same comment. Must be getting too mellow in my old age...
  13. PaphMadMan


  14. PaphMadMan

    NEW cross? Paph Paul Parks x wilhelminae

    It probably is true that they have often been sold as the same thing but most sources would disagree, including RHS for hybrid registration purposes. Gardineri is usually considered a synonym of glanduliferum or praestans depending on which one the source considers valid, while wilhelminae is a...
  15. PaphMadMan

    NEW cross? Paph Paul Parks x wilhelminae

    There is a 2014 registration for Paph QF Paul Parks Junior, but that is recorded in the RHS register as Paul Parks x gardineri.
  16. PaphMadMan

    Phrag x paph

    And you have a whole basement full of them that you just haven't shared with the world, I suppose...
  17. PaphMadMan

    Phrag x paph

    I have never seen evidence presented that convinces me a true Phrag x Paph hybrid exists. It seems that if anyone had such plants they would want them examined and tested and proven quite publicly, not seen once in a couple photos and never shown again. They would be valuable plants just for...
  18. PaphMadMan

    Some catts

    Rlc. Haadyai Delight is usually yellow verging on orange, with some darker orange in the lip. It can be pure yellow.
  19. PaphMadMan

    NEW cross? Paph Paul Parks x wilhelminae

    Several of these have been posted recently. This does appear to be the "best" flower in terms of what most judges and multi-floral fans look for. A Paph wilheminae cross may never get more than 2-3 flowers per spike so that shouldn't stop you if you truly think it is noteworthy, not just nice.
  20. PaphMadMan

    Paph henrietta fujiwara x dayanum

    dianthum / dayanum - pretty likely mix up