Best Ways to Deal with Stolons other than Basket?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Aug 14, 2014
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I grow indoor and don't want to do basket as I don't want to hang anything.

I have armeniacum, Norito Hasegawa, Fumi's Delight all throwing stolons, but they tend to get trapped inside the pot and rot. Only one or two will make it upward and grow properly.

What do you guys do?
Bulb pan??

I don't know where to find a good sized one.
I have bought a few 5 inch plastic bulb pans online last year. haven't tried yet. I don't like how they only have so many holes at the bottom and hence, I worry about water staying at the bottom side too long.
Use clear pots and when you see a stolon against the side lift it to the surface carefully
Go to the storage unit area of Home Depot (or $ general or walmart) and get some of those big ass under bed storage totes of for shoes and clothes.

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