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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    Habenaria storage

    I'd just keep them in pots. They don't need to be in a growing area. Any closet/basement/etc. should be just fine.
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    Pleurothallis sp.

    Phyllocardioides is a small plant, much smaller than the OP described. At least the one labelled as such in my collection is (but of course, that could be wrong also).
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    Pleurothallis sp.

    Reminds me of Pleurothallis canidentis
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    Lily ID help

    Possibly Crystal Blanca or Casa Blanca.
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    I like that. What's the leaf span (important for us under lights growers)?
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    Daylily seedlings

    Any particular varieties?
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    Why are the new leaves of my big paph dangling

    Happens to me too, dunno why. Sometimes I make take a piece of wire, fold it in half to hold the leaf in "proper" position, and leave it until it matures. By then, it's hardened up and doesn't droop.
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    anyone interested in a backbulb exchange thread?

    Well, there's a few of the heritage cattleyas I'd be interested in giving space to.. I'd probably need to trade money for plants, however...
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    Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS

    A couple of months ago, Greg Griffis, the orchid grower at Longwood Gardens gave a talk, and he mentioned that flower count in Cattleyas is related to amount of light they receive. More light, more flowers. One thing to keep in mind that the amount of light you get from full sun in the Northeast...
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    Wilting and bleached leaves help

    A zip-lock bag of damp (not wet) sphagnum, a cool-ish environment, and no direct sun.
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    Corallorhiza Maculata In Situ

    Cool. Happy to see this species in situ. I thank you for the photos.
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    Learning more about brachys

    Well, Guido Braem's "The Genus Paphiopedilum" vol 1 has some useful info. The Bakers were collaborators, so there's climate data included. I've found that Paph. concolor can take a great amount of sun - Cattleya light, at least, and in the Philadelphia lattitude, if exposed gradually. I think...
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    Bletilla seed pods

    There was a post on this not too long ago.
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    Help on led growlights

    Well, can you change the height? If so, then start with them as far as your setup will allow, and then move them closer until the plants look "bleached". BTW, if you like math: A point source of light follows the inverse square law: intensity = 1/distance^2. However, using a linear array of...
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    Averyanov book

    Just got a copy of Averyanov's Slipper Orchids of Vietnam. Really fascinating book, full of useful information about geology, geography, and climate, as well as discussions of the species found in Vietnam, as well as the other plants found growing with them. Money well spent
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    How often and how much to water chrysanthemums?

    I take care of plants in hotels. Every time someone asks me how/when to water their plants I tell them about the "Pencil Trick": Take a sharp pencil (or wooden skewer) and stick it in the pot so the point is about half-way down. Wait five minutes. Pull it out. If the tip is damp, don't water...
  17. C

    Lycaste macrophylla substrate

    Lots of plants that are classified as terrestrials actually grow in detritus and cruft on the ground, their roots never penetrating. More like humus epiphytes. Of course, I don't grow Lycastes, so I could be talking utter bollocks.
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    Wanted Oconee 'Mendenhall'

    Like the title says, I'm looking for a division/back prop of this clone. There's very few hybrids I'd like to have. This is one. Life's short, and I'm old, so I'm going to indulge myself.
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    Wanted Rlc Norman's Bay 'Low"

    As the title said, looking for a division or back propagation.
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    Vanda jennae

    Nice. How big is the foliage?