Pleurothallis sp.

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
Division my friend gave me. He got it from Fishing Creek orchids, but where they got it, I do not know. Couldn't tell you if it's undescribed or unidentified, but I believe it's the former. Cute thing, flower 1.3 x 1.7cm, leaf 3.5 x 7cm Pleuro undescribed 1.jpgpleuro undescribed 2.jpg
I wrote this down in my notes Tony. Next Saturday I have judging and we have a judge there who might very well know exactly what this is. I think that I have seen it before. Lynn O'Shaunessy is a Pleurothallis grower of high regard so if no one else can ID it before then I will see if she knows.
I am not a Pleuro grower, I am a Pleuro murderer.
Phyllocardioides is a small plant, much smaller than the OP described. At least the one labelled as such in my collection is (but of course, that could be wrong also).

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