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  1. F

    Plants to sell. For UE only

    TABLE FENËTRE Phal.aenopsis philippinensis JP 8 Coelogyne Green Dragon AM/RHS 5 pousses 1an 25 Paphiopedilum tonsum JP 1/2ans 10 Paphiopedilum helenae 7 pousses boutonné 30 Paphiopedilum richardianum FF 25 Coelogyne corymbosa (import à raciner) 15 Paphiopedilum victoria mariae (pas courant) JP...
  2. F

    Paph. rothschildianum

    Yes, very nice one. First select generation is always my favorite roth. when the result is like that!
  3. F

    Plants to sell. For UE only

    No, I can't stop but I need room, money and more time for me and not for orchids.
  4. F

    Plants to sell. For UE only

    Life sometimes requires making decisions. I don't stop orchids but I need to slow down. 30euros minimum order. Add shipping costs. Shipping bare roots when possible. Contact MP. THanks. TABLE FENËTRE Phal.aenopsis philippinensis JP 8 Coelogyne Green Dragon AM/RHS 5 pousses 1an 25 Coelogyne...
  5. F

    Paphiopedilum intaniae

    From Germany some years ago. Slow but not really difficult to grow. 4 buds, just 2 flowers, probably because of single growth and not very big too. After pictures, I cut the spike.
  6. F

    Paph. rothschildianum

    Very nice flower and plant but not a roth for me. At least Gary Romagna or even Gary Romagna x roth. About staminode, Difficult to see difference when roth genetic is 75% or more...
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    Paph rothschildianum TN-7-35

    Just perfect! What are the parents?
  8. F

    Paph. anitum

    Always difficult to cultivate and bloom anitum. Congratulations.
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    Paph. rothschildianum

    The stance of the 1st one is almost perfect!I like a lot. Of course, the color of the 2nd one is amazing. Do you want my adress for divisions? :rollhappy:
  10. F

    Paph. rothschildianum 'Lift Off'

    Me too for natural light!!! :) This shot is very nice but impossible with it to see the real color of this roth.
  11. F

    Paphiopedilum rotschildianum TN-Queen x TN-Tiger

    6 cms for dorsal, 27cms for the biggest flower. Too small for the current standard but enough for my eyes.
  12. F

    Paphiopedilum rotschildianum TN-Queen x TN-Tiger

    1st bloom for my last plant of this cross deflasked in 2007. 11 years later! Why? It was an "experiment" plant and it suffered a little.... :eek: I thought it died several times but it's a fighter! Maybe the best of my flask...
  13. F

    rothschildianum Old division plan

    Exactly. And the best "old School Roths" (Mont Millais, Rex, Dou Fong, etc...) gave the "New School".:)
  14. F

    rothschildianum Old division plan

    Nice bloom Philippe. For me, it's necessary to have this kind of plant in every roth collection. At least to see the big charm of "old school" plants compared to current breeding lines (different charm...)
  15. F

    Paphiopedilum purpuratum

    Nicer I don't know but different for sure! :D About picture, never retouched because I'm lazy!
  16. F

    Paphiopedilum purpuratum

    Bought as acmondotum, it's not...:ninja: But a nice purpuratum.
  17. F


    This spike could be from a Saint swithin... annab, I see supardii in this bad flower. Maybe a David Ott (what could be too the Secundino plant if no StS)?
  18. F


    A cross name or unknown parentage?
  19. F


    Is the sheath already full or yet empty? I bloomed several roths what produced the sheath in summer/fall of the previous year. But it's possible too it blooms this fall. It arrived just one time in my experience and the quality was less good than spring bloom.
  20. F

    Paph praestans

    I missed this bloom. Probably one of the best I saw. Very very nice!