Not 10years, 7 years for the 1st bloom of this plant and 6years for the fastest of the seedling.
The new crosses, well grown, will take at least 5 years, maybe 4 for the fastest plants.
Yes, Jurassik Parc is a wild collected clone.
About Queen x Tiger, the 1st bloom was in 2013, so 6 years after deflasking. The faster from this cross bloomed after 5 years, in 2012.
Sorry for this dramatic event.
Sadly, as french, I know well what you can fell at this time...
We need to continue to live without fear. Easy to tell, more difficult to do. But it's necessary.:eek:
(And Trump is not the solution... )
A plant I would like to have a lot (and more than some recent awarded clone)
It's for me yet one of the best roth. in the world. A piece of History and a perfect example of what can produce the nature without the man's hand.
You're talking to me about OZ. The subject is closed since some previous posts and we all agree to say those 2 blooms are roths.
I simply demonstrates that a hybrid with many Roths may look like a roth. with a similar size. And for some of them, it would be easy for a dishonest seller to sell...
I said right. But on the Paphiopedilum in Taiwan book VI, there's a picture of Paphiopedilum Sunlight Rothschild 'Good Libe' 83/SM.
NS is 28.7, DS is 6.9 and PS is 2.3.
So, you're not completely right. ;)
You Drogon is nicer than those 2 plants but I have definitely a problem with the very thick base of the petals. I find it brokes the general harmony of the flower.
But I never saw this kind of flowers in reality. Just in pictures what it does a big difference.
edit: I wanted to tell thick, not...
Right, good point for you.
Right too (just for some exceptional clones) but not this particular shape of petals.
And I just supposed one thing. To search more and more wide could give this particular petals shape. Because I don't think parentage of this breeding line have this particular...
Accuse without evidence is not correct of course.
But I think for the interest of the forum, this is still interesting to discuss. The argument referring to the celebrity of a company is not really recevable.
I could sadly name some famous breeders what were (are) not really honest with...