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  1. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum, 2 very differents clones

    Not 10years, 7 years for the 1st bloom of this plant and 6years for the fastest of the seedling. The new crosses, well grown, will take at least 5 years, maybe 4 for the fastest plants.
  2. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum, 2 very differents clones

    Yes, Jurassik Parc is a wild collected clone. About Queen x Tiger, the 1st bloom was in 2013, so 6 years after deflasking. The faster from this cross bloomed after 5 years, in 2012.
  3. F

    Phragmipedium besseae

    Bought in bud to Popow (Germany) but probably a plant from OZ (USA)
  4. F

    Paphiopedilum Saint-Swithin "Exofleur"

    Plant from Exofleur, french nursery closed in 2005:
  5. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum, 2 very differents clones

    -Jurassik Parc x self from Popow (Germany) (2nd Bloom) -Queen x Tiger from Iweyshen (2nd bloom), deflasked in 2007. And together:
  6. F

    Massacre in Orlando

    Sorry for this dramatic event. Sadly, as french, I know well what you can fell at this time... We need to continue to live without fear. Easy to tell, more difficult to do. But it's necessary.:eek: (And Trump is not the solution... )
  7. F

    Some paph hybrid flowering in Taiwan

    Agree. Not a pure viet.
  8. F

    Haven x Smokin

    Ok. :)
  9. F

    Haven x Smokin

    Very nice. I read same cross but do you confirm you grow them in exactly same conditions?
  10. F

    How Many Flowers

  11. F

    rothschildianum 'Mont Millais'

    A plant I would like to have a lot (and more than some recent awarded clone) It's for me yet one of the best roth. in the world. A piece of History and a perfect example of what can produce the nature without the man's hand. WONDERFUL!
  12. F

    Paph. anitum #1 (22/5 updated)

    Agree! :clap:
  13. F

    Paph Woluwense fat leaves in bud !

    Please touch only with your eyes! :poke:;)
  14. F


    But I agree with you. No interest for a breeder to add other specie in a breeding roth. line currently. :o
  15. F


    You're talking to me about OZ. The subject is closed since some previous posts and we all agree to say those 2 blooms are roths. I simply demonstrates that a hybrid with many Roths may look like a roth. with a similar size. And for some of them, it would be easy for a dishonest seller to sell...
  16. F


    I said right. But on the Paphiopedilum in Taiwan book VI, there's a picture of Paphiopedilum Sunlight Rothschild 'Good Libe' 83/SM. NS is 28.7, DS is 6.9 and PS is 2.3. So, you're not completely right. ;)
  17. F


    You Drogon is nicer than those 2 plants but I have definitely a problem with the very thick base of the petals. I find it brokes the general harmony of the flower. But I never saw this kind of flowers in reality. Just in pictures what it does a big difference. edit: I wanted to tell thick, not...
  18. F


    Ok. So, we can tell it's a roth. for sure (I agree) but with an usual petals shape that we like or not. Do you agree with that? ;)
  19. F


    Right, good point for you. Right too (just for some exceptional clones) but not this particular shape of petals. And I just supposed one thing. To search more and more wide could give this particular petals shape. Because I don't think parentage of this breeding line have this particular...
  20. F


    Accuse without evidence is not correct of course. But I think for the interest of the forum, this is still interesting to discuss. The argument referring to the celebrity of a company is not really recevable. I could sadly name some famous breeders what were (are) not really honest with...