The vietnamense is stunningly good! Whose plant? (Chou-yi? -- I know he has good ones; saw a picture looking similar but not in bloom.)
The Alexej and the anitum cross are both excellent too.
There are quite a few superb lines of Alexej out there!
Our line of Alexej are almost impossible to flower! Drives me crazy.
Best Paph. vietnamense i've seen in Taiwan are from In-Charm breeding,really really good ones!!!About 30% of the ones i've seen in bloom had good colour and very good form and substance,flat and symmetrical(other breeding i've seen,maybe no good ones
Nice but the vietnamense is not a vietnamense but Ho Chin Min look at the red on the stami !
They may be right about not beeing a pure vietnamense but a Ho Chi Minh x vietnamense ...i've seen seedlings in Taiwan last year