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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. CharlesD

    Pahiopedilum Frank Hughes 'Tanya' AM/AOS

    Beautiful flower and lovely photo!
  2. CharlesD

    Wanted Paphiopedilum papilio loaticus

    The original eBay listing for these in US is also definitely jungle collected plants not even nursery propagated. This article has been posted on here before but it is enlightening
  3. CharlesD

    Paphiopedilum myanmaricum

    Wow, special plant! Sorry to hear about your cat.
  4. CharlesD

    SelectOrchids -> My first plants and flasks order (with pictures)

    Wow you should be pleased! Those flasks almost have too many roots! I’d like to at least feel like I’m adding more roots for deflasked plants but would be tough to grow those any better!
  5. CharlesD

    Wanted Paphiopedilum papilio loaticus

    Unfortunately there are many illegal things for sale on the internet.
  6. CharlesD

    Cycnoches Fire Embers

    Well grown and excellent plant!
  7. CharlesD

    Wanted Paphiopedilum papilio loaticus

    Looks cool and newly discovered = illegal for sure
  8. CharlesD

    Wanted Paphiopedilum papilio loaticus

    Still illegal in USA as far as I know
  9. CharlesD

    Paphiopedilum Golden Palace

    Where did you get this one from? I have few from Teresa. One of mine is in bud but i think a ways off from bloom
  10. CharlesD


    Did you have any idea how big the synsepalum was going to be when you purchased it? I’ve never seen a strain like that
  11. CharlesD

    My Polyanthas in 2024

    Really lovely. Well done!
  12. CharlesD

    Catasandra hybrid (Gal. greenwoodiana 'SVO Purple Lip' x Ctsm. denticulatum 'Orange Lip')

    I think that is a very honest assessment. At least from a hybridizing perspective I would say this one falls within the 'worth a shot' category. I have a handful of catasetinae from SVO, I've tried to stick with stuff that has a really strong hybridizing direction.
  13. CharlesD


    That is a good point - I guess what I meant is that with higher nitrogen ratio the total ppm of fertilizer added (ionized or not) will be lower for the amount of nitrogen provided. I don't have RO where I am but I have decent well water and I continuously feed my paphs so I try to limit using...
  14. CharlesD

    Paph Maudiae var. Wegmans

    This is a plant I’ve hadfor a while now blooming earlier this year. You can guess where it came from. Actually a hard variety to come by. More of sentimental value than anything else - the flower reflexes badly after a little while. But it does bloom twice a year. The other photos are lehua...
  15. CharlesD


    Dyna-gro 7-9-5 seems like a similar concept with lower cal-mag. But for tds it adds to the fertilizer solution it doesn’t have that much nitrogen. I think your formula would be better in that respect. It would be great if there was also a commercially available orchid fertilizer with an...
  16. CharlesD

    Any ideas as to what this is?

    I’ve been using southern ag max acid 30-10-10 which you can get in Amazon 22% urea, 5% ammonia, 2% nitrate so it’s not 100% urea like jack’s. I would think you could try rotating it every once in a while. Though I would recommend mixing fertilizer with some tap water for the buffering effect...
  17. CharlesD

    dark henryanum

    lol I guess I’m only going have even more trouble with tribbles as time goes on given the growth rate of the damn thing
  18. CharlesD

    dark henryanum

    I’m just going to say regarding clonal names, though appropriate maybe you could rein it in a little bit? You gave me a piece of your mexipedium which is growing happily but now I just found out what its name is 😂😂
  19. CharlesD

    New Member

    Thank you! I think we might both be using the same racking and lighting system. It’s nice how easily available a reasonably priced LED set up is these days. I used to grow with a southeast window but the plants grow so much more consistently with the lights.
  20. CharlesD

    New Member

    I work very close to Longwood - I’m sure that was a cool experience. They’re just finishing up a huge renovation (I think it was $300 million) where they tore down a lot of those old greenhouses. I think most of the orchids are now kept in different complex on the other side of route 1. I am...