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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. gego

    Problem with yellow leaves

    They were growing fast from seedlings until they were mid size. Older leaves started to have yellow patches first, then the yellow grew larger and started to go up to the upper leaves. I'm trying to grow the last two on a higher pH, around 6.5 then supply a little bit more K. I haven't tried...
  2. gego

    Problem with yellow leaves

    I'm afraid that's the case. I had two flasks of Julius before from Sam. All of them doing the same. I have two plants left and just kept them if they will eventually perk up from my tests. They grow new leaves but shed off older leaves. I even have two plants tested in the lab, all good except...
  3. gego

    Need Advice About How Much Light for roth. Hybrids

    Very nicely grown. That light is close to 50% shaded sunlight. So at peak for how many hours? I like those big pots with bark in it.
  4. gego

    Paph St Swthin 'Emily' AM/AOC

    Impressive flower count. 👏
  5. gego

    Paphiopedilum Johanna Burkhardt 'Rajani' FCC/AOC

    Congrats, very well done.
  6. gego

    Paph anitum

    I have a few plants to try on different potting media. We don't have bark supply here. It's responding okay with coco cubes from selected matured husks and also to rock wool cubes. The local moss here seems to work too for top dressing. The pH is stable with any of this combo. I have a few...
  7. gego

    Paph anitum

    About 26 inches.
  8. gego

    Paph anitum

    I need that. Thanks.
  9. gego

    Paph anitum

    First to spike on me from a few plants I have. I hope posting this is not going to jinxed it. 🤞This is a small plant so I expect one flower can push thru. I'm just thankful that the spike is really showing an anitum traits. Will update in a week.
  10. gego

    Paph adductum

    Thanks. Hopefully, that's my goal. Then we can all grow this beautiful species and enjoy. It will probably need many sib crosses for this species to adapt to our greenhouse environment. But it's a start.
  11. gego

    Paph adductum

    I have these two selected clones crossed. Hopefully I can get some good seeds. #1 #2
  12. gego

    Anitum Ninja

    I'd like to think positively on the good news side. Maybe the plant, since it's healthy enough decided to use it's energy to grow and not to reproduce for now. I did sensed the hesitation. I have plants with buds already spaced out, only to blast one bud at a time. It's a tragic feeling. I then...
  13. gego

    Paph anitum

    Leaves are very dark green in the wild. Very shady and leaves are long and wide.
  14. gego

    Paph anitum

    Excellent growing and nice flower. Can you show us the plant? And maybe some culture tips.
  15. gego

    Difficulties in growing Kovachii (Stagnant growth)

    I use 1/8 tsp powdered calcium carbonate soaked in a gallon of ro water for a day or more. pH will rise up to around 7.7 as the carbonate dissolves and turns into a bicarbonate. I usually get 30 to 40 ppm with occasional stirring. Not all powder will dissolve at that pH. I use that water to...
  16. gego

    I m so excited #2

    I use about 1000 uS/cm, and my roots are very alive. There is an adjustment period though if the plant came from a bark media. But the reading you get from that test is at least 50% diluted. I changed my process to soaking for about an hour before making a reading.
  17. gego

    Ho Chi Minh

    Beautiful plant.
  18. gego

    Anitum Ninja

    Kind of slow, fingers crossed.
  19. gego

    Paph randsii

    Just my hunch. Or the trade has gone underground.
  20. gego

    Paph adductum

    Exciting, gratrix makes beautiful hybrid with multis. Nice to hear from you.