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  1. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya eldorado flamea ‘Flor de Gaia’

    One of the most beautiful eldorado cultivars I have ever seen. Such bright fuschia color on the petals, contrasting with the pink sepals. It’s the cultivar that made me fall in love again with this species (again). I love it so much I’m acquiring 4 divisions from different sources! Am I crazy...
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya violacea semialba flamea ‘Stars and Stripes’

    Love the color combo of this so I named it such. Good flat shape in sepals and petals but that curled lip is disturbing to me lolzzz. Blooming in Brazil at my buddy’s backyard.
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya warneri pentaflamea ‘Queen of the Amazonias’

    My plant flowering in Brazil, awaiting papers for immigration lol. Beautiful tipo warneri with flares on all five extremities.
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Mystery Warneri

    So I couldn’t find any tag on pot but know it’s on the warneri section. Has the same wide thick leaves. Tag must have fallen somehow. The investigation of this mystery plant continues. Might be a division from Tamiami or Brazil. Or a seedling cross from AWZ. Flamea, atropurpurea (solid) lip...
  5. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana flamea coerulea

    Another division I got from Orquidário Americana in 2020 (#3638). Very dark lip and big flamea. Quite lovely.
  6. DrLeslieEe

    Sophronitis ghillanyi flamea ‘Isabel Rosalia’ AM/AOS

    Such a cutie mini … with wonky side lobes … and a pentaflamea. Now considered Cattleya…. Hmmmm 😳.
  7. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana flamea

    Just opening! Might be pentaflamea but let’s see in a few days. Original division from Orquidário Americana (they import all over the world). Wonky at the moment lol.
  8. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana flamea ‘Quad Dragon’

    A nice flamea with wide petals and very strong flamea. A division from Orquidário Americana breeding lines. NS 17 cm. Still stretching I think lol. Unfortunately only one flower since first bloom after establishing. Judging requires two flowers so next year then.
  9. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae pentaflamea ‘Cerro Verde’

    I thought I’d share the most beautiful mossiae flamea I have ever seen, from the line breeding of Armando Mantellini of Cerro Verde nursery. Currently in bloom at their nursery in Florida. I was lucky to secure a division to pick up next month at the Tamiami show. (Pictures from Cerro...
  10. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana var coerulea flamea ‘Marmalade Blue’

    Received this division from Brazil from the nursery Orquidário Americana in 2020. Finally it grew strong enough to bloom. Amazing flamea in a coerulea form of this lovely species. Almost pentaflamea with the mini brush strokes in sepals.
  11. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lawrenceana flamea ‘Flying Dragons’

    I finally bloomed this lovely species! Warm all year long with medium light. Another sheath shows tiny buds, so very excited 😜! NS 12.5 cm.
  12. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana penta-flamea ‘Spy on Me’

    A division from Orquidário Americana (Brazil) with big flares. First flower since arrival a year ago. Just opening:
  13. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya rex flameas: The Holy Grail

    So after a decade of searching (and pleading), I finally secured two rex flameas from Peru! It is my all time favourite of all flameas, my holy grail! Presenting not one but two plants! First one is rex flamea ‘Yawar Saywar’, rounder and fuller petals. Second one is rex flamea ‘Flameada en...
  14. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana coerulea flamea ‘Lukamee’

    First bloom of a division plant from the collection of Orquidário Americana in Brazil. Just lovely I think! I named it on a play of words. Can anybody guess what it says?
  15. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae pelorica flamea ‘Panda’

    Happy New Year to everyone around the world! Panda heralded in the new year here in Toronto with opening it’s first two (of four buds). Bright fuschia around the eyes! And a dual tone light pink to sepals. A division from Wakayama Orchids nursery. NS 13.5 cm. More pics when all open...
  16. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya warneri tipo flamea ‘Star of Brazil’

    Hey folks! Just want to share my excitement about just ‘procuring’ another beautiful flower/plant recently from Brazil. As some of you might know, warneri is my favourite cattleya species. And, flamea my fave colour form. So the combo is a dream!! Look at this beauty! I named her in...
  17. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana flamea

    One of the divisions from Orquidário Americana (Brazil) is starting to open its flower. A type form with flamea on petals and sometimes sepals (present here in lateral sepals), with a very dark atropurpurea lip. NS 15 cm at present. More photos to follow as it unfolds further. Orquidário...
  18. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya mossiae semialba flamea ‘SUPERNOVA’

    One of my best flameas in my collection with 4 flowers and 4 buds… I named her SUPERNOVA because it looks like an explosion… huge at 7 inches!
  19. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya trianae coerulea flamea

    One of the rarer color forms of this species. The blue flamea markings are quite large and deep in color. Will be useful in future breeding for this type. Plant arrived November about 4 months ago, rooted and bloomed (upside down lol). Still not as strong yet to reach potential flower form...
  20. DrLeslieEe

    Cattleya lueddemaniana pincelada with 5 point Flares!

    This is perhaps my most favorite lueddemaniana for the past 5 years. It is light pink with magenta flaring on all five segments, each a pincelada streak. Some call it a 5 point star lol. The lip is nicely marked with two yellow eyes. Flower shape is very round. Size is respectable at 14 cm NS...