
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Ernesto

    White discoloration—physical damage or something else?

    I received this Paph. philippinense in the mail last month. It had very minor shipping damage, nothing to be concerned about. However, I noticed where the leaves got creased, the tissue has become soft and white. Is this something to be worried about?
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum sukhakulii (black petal types)

    Since I’m shopping, I added these sukhs to my shopping bag from Tokyo Orchid nursery. I think they are beauties.
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum venustums from Japan GrandPrix 2020

    As most know on here that I have been on the lookout for cool venustums. So I found several colour forms of these venustums at the Tokyo Dome show which I will be hauling back to add to my collection. It’s amazing the colour variations that exists! There are red petals, orange petals, green...
  4. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var esquilorei

    Presenting a family of 3 brothers from the cross of (esquilorei ‘Taka’ FCC/AOS x esquilorei ‘Alexei’ SM/DOG). Very large and dark. All about NS 14 cm, miltigrowths with 2 old growths plus 2 new growths and flowering growth. Strong growers.
  5. J

    Strange twisted leaves and ridges on Paph. Hung Sheng Bay

    Hi, This plant just arrived in my collection, I am new to paph growing. Can anyone tell me why the leaves look twisted on this plant? I also noticed the top leaves have strange high ridges. What causes this? photo available here:
  6. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum forma alboviride

    I acquired this plant from Orchid Inn a couple years ago in bloom. It is the brother to the FCC that Sam got at the Chicago Orchid show. This is the best blooming so far with the petals well held with a NS of almost 13 cm and wide petals (2.6 x 7 cm), big dorsal (4 x 4 cm), and a cool apple...
  7. Redtwist

    Paph.parishii ('Jeanie' x 'Andy')

    Chuffed to win Best Paph Species at the British Paph Society (BPS) annual meeting with this first flowering parishii. Bought as a single growth seedling 3years ago from Sam Tsui. Dorsals have twisted more than I would have hoped but pleased with 6 flowers. Chris UK
  8. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum tonsum fm alboviride ‘LimeLight’ HCC/AOS

    After it got its award at spring of this year in April, it grew fast after repotting to flower again. Flowers are a little bigger in some areas; like the petal widths now are 2.2 cm vs 1.8 cm. Presently dorsal sepal looks straight but may reflex at base in a few days. it’s one of my favourite...
  9. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum spicerianum ‘Hercules’

    So here is the spicerianum that refused to bloom for over 2 seasons that I stuck in the cold section. It immediately sent up a spike and unveiled the bloom within a month. It’s very stout and round, almost looking huskier than most and with a wide flat dorsal sepal. Those qualities remind me of...
  10. Paphluvr

    Finally, Paph. Jade Dragon after several failed attempts

    I finally was successful in re-blooming my Paph. Jade Dragon. I received it in bud several years ago but the bud got damaged in shipment so the flower opened with some damage to the dorsal. Two seasons ago the sheath barely emerged from the fan before it blasted. Last year the spike got about...
  11. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Opening after 3 months in slowwww spike growth! Supposed to be a semialba but I don’t see it lol except the green (vs brown stem). Apparently the green stem is seen in some populations. Still cute nonetheless.
  12. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum Saiun ‘Glow Stick’

    This LeHua primary hybrid was between the alba forms of wardii x sukhakulii. This second bloom was much larger than the first one, 13 cm vs 9 cm. I was pleasantly surprised. Almost auctioned it off last weekend as a donation to my local orchid society. Luckily I kept it to see flower. I called...
  13. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum var hyeanum ‘Evergreen’

    I got this alba lawrenceanum division from Orchids Limited. It is the best of their line breeding. It is absolutely a beautiful emerald green! I love looking at it. Talk about zen! I’m posting it under different lighting. The petals are short and stubby (maybe first bloom after the division is...
  14. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum Dora Crashaw

    I got five of these from Tenshin orchids of Hung Sheng orchid breeders. All were in low bud. This is the best shaped one (albeit the second to bloom; rest is still budding). Cross is charlesworthii x bellatulum. Good potential and waiting anxiously for the rest to open in a few weeks.
  15. Redtwist

    Some late flowering multis

    Been meaning to get round to posting some pics for a while. This year all my plants seem to have left their flowering until very late. All are first flowering plants Michael Koopowitz (unknown Taiwan breeding) Wossner Black Wings (from Orchid Inn) Gloria Naugle (EYOF)
  16. Calvin_Tiong

    Paphiopedilum Jogjae

  17. Calvin_Tiong

    Paphiopedilum primulinum var. purpurascens

  18. Calvin_Tiong

    Paphiopedilum victoria-regina

  19. Calvin_Tiong

    Paphiopedilum exul

  20. Calvin_Tiong

    Paphiopedilum myanmaricum
