‘Tis The Season!!

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So, three buds on my WBW. Both multis are about to open in about a week or so.
Wössner Favourite and **** Wagner is almost there, too.
The rest are either barely moved or none at all.
Lucky you, Happy! My WBW bud first blasted and too late, I discovered the reason for that, was that the growth was infested with rot 🤯 There is a tiny new growth - and now I'll just consider myself a lucky man, if I succeed in saving the plant. Please, wish me luck!
Forgive my prejudice Jens. See if you can find some Dragon's Blood to keep on hand for such accidents.
Amazon used to offer DB from Blue Origins if I recall correctly. This particular DB isn't as good as the
stuff Eric used to have access to, but it's better than nothing.
I don't see DB from Blue Origins, but amazon does have Luna Sundara that purported to be 100% DB.

There's lots of DB incense! Can't imagine why or how it smells, so scroll past all that stuff.
See if you can find some Dragon's Blood to keep on hand for such accidents.
I used to have a large bottle of 100% DB at hand for such emergency situations. It was bought pre-covid... as I ran out of it recently, I couldn't find, this side of the pond, any reasonably priced products of decent quality. I don't know, whether this might be due to shortage, delivery problems or because the inflation made the price skyrocket? Good, you reminded me, Angela! I'll go check, whether the situation has changed! I do very much need to reinstate my old anti-rot routine: Dragon Blood (Croton lechleri) and ground cinnamon!
Well, I feel the same about phrags, so it's ok. We like what we like, don't we? hehe

Sorry to hear about the rot on your plant. Hope it survives.
What I like about the multis is that once they spike, everything seems to move on really fast.
My Hung Sheng General is starting to open (only two buds although the first bloom had four! I accidentally knocked two off). WBW is also about to pop open its first bud.
I've been very careful not to break the buds off every time I water the plant, which is about every two days. Such a water hog!!
No, I carry them to bath tub and I forget to be careful with how close the tip of the spike is to the shower curtain bar. Then, the tip is snapped off. Something unexpected and clumsy. I learn the hard way! 😆
The petals may yet fix themselves. I wouldn't worry about the shouldered look, that's just your typical WBW.
The petals may yet fix themselves. I wouldn't worry about the shouldered look, that's just your typical WBW.
I'm fine with the shouldered look as that is expected being half anitum as you say. and I've seen much worse!
I don't like how the petals are off to the side rather than coming down straight as if the photo was taken in the presence of strong wind. lol
will see how the rest of the buds open up.
I think I can now let go of Hung Sheng General and put something else on its spot. Perhaps roth and stonei hybrid I've been wanting to have. :)
Everything that was in bud/low spike/sheath in November all finished bloom either in December or January.
Some like Brassavola nodosa has a couple of fat seed capsules on it already.
Hiroki Tanaka (armeniacum x wenshanense) is finally just opening.
All the Phalaenopsis except for equestris is open. Phal modesta is about to pop open. So is P. japonica which is great because I want to cross them together. :)
Remake of Cattleya Martha Clarke opened up to be a bit of freak missing parts.
Armeniacum is in high bud and so are malipoense and Norito Hasegawa. These three are the slowest.
I'm very curious about armeniacum and malipoense since they are first time bloomers.
Malipoense looks to be of pretty good size. Anticipation!!
Armeniacum bud blasted at the last minute. Arg!!!
I was hoping to see a big fat yellow flower, but oh, well...It has a new growth shooting up and two stolons diving into the potting mix driving me nuts!! 🤣
I still have three armeniacum seedlings in low bud. Fingers crossed!!
Malipoense is taking its sweet time opening up its bud. Better be fate round and beautifully green 😁
One of the highlight at the moment is Chouyi Yuki (I think?) hangianum x niveum that I got as a seedling a few years ago is finally in high bud. Two buds actually and I almost want to pinch one off as I want one big flower, but I'm leavning them alone just in case they both turn out small anyways lol
This is one of those hybrids that I had on my wish list for a long time. Looking forward!!

Two thaianum hybrids have a tiny head of spike just poking above the center. More spikes on other parvis and brachys. Yay!!!

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