I checked today and the site's been updated:
The speakers:
Dr. Holger Perner– China
Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China
“More on Paphiopedilum Species from China”
Graham Wood – Hawaii
Lehua Orchids, Mountain View, HI
“Paphiopedilums Hybridizing at Lehua Orchids”
Ron Burch– Connecticut
Gardens at Post Hill, Morris, CT
Bryan Ramsay – Maryland
Certified Judge, National Capital AOS Judging Center
“Overview of Recent Slipper Awards”
The vendors:
Cove Corporation, MD; Floradise Orchids, VA; Gardens at Post Hill, CT; Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology, China; Lehua Orchids, Hawaii; Marriott Orchids, NC; NCOS Members; Woodstream Orchids, MD.