Well-Known Member
F1409 Phal (Sogo Lawrence 'Nobby' X (Chingruey Fancy x lueddemanniana) 'Edward') $95
-- Looking for 4n fragrant art-shade colored or red's. Phal lueddemanniana can be dominate in progeny - so we could get some of the waxy texture in the progeny. These should be fragrant because both parents are scented.
F1410 Phal (Yaphon Sensational #3 X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) $125
-- Pod parent Phal. Yaphon Sensational (Phal. Ld's Bear King X Phal. Corning's Violet) is red and very fragrant from Phal corningiana/violacea influence. Paired with an intensely colored Dragon Tree eagle, we should get fragrant reds. This hybrid will also have the vigor and flower count from Yaphon Sensational.
F1411 Phal (Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS X George Vasquez 'Eureka' FCC/AOS) $125
-- This cross just has to be made. 'Eureka' is arguably the most fragrant deep colored phalaenopsis since awarded in 1981. Paired with Dragon Tree Eagle, we are looking for intensely colored red's with the vigor from Dragon Tree Eagle hybrid.
F1412 Phal (Joy Spring Tina 'Anaconda' X Brother Ambo Passion 'OK') $125
-- Still looking for that pollen parent to compliment the 8+ cm flower size of 'Anaconda'. We like the rich color, flower form, amboinensis pattern and color from Phal Brother Ambo Passion. This could be our dream hybrid.
-- Looking for 4n fragrant art-shade colored or red's. Phal lueddemanniana can be dominate in progeny - so we could get some of the waxy texture in the progeny. These should be fragrant because both parents are scented.

F1410 Phal (Yaphon Sensational #3 X Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS) $125
-- Pod parent Phal. Yaphon Sensational (Phal. Ld's Bear King X Phal. Corning's Violet) is red and very fragrant from Phal corningiana/violacea influence. Paired with an intensely colored Dragon Tree eagle, we should get fragrant reds. This hybrid will also have the vigor and flower count from Yaphon Sensational.

F1411 Phal (Dragon Tree Eagle 'DT#1' AM/AOS X George Vasquez 'Eureka' FCC/AOS) $125
-- This cross just has to be made. 'Eureka' is arguably the most fragrant deep colored phalaenopsis since awarded in 1981. Paired with Dragon Tree Eagle, we are looking for intensely colored red's with the vigor from Dragon Tree Eagle hybrid.

F1412 Phal (Joy Spring Tina 'Anaconda' X Brother Ambo Passion 'OK') $125
-- Still looking for that pollen parent to compliment the 8+ cm flower size of 'Anaconda'. We like the rich color, flower form, amboinensis pattern and color from Phal Brother Ambo Passion. This could be our dream hybrid.