A Couple of spicerianums From Same Flask, One Quite Unusual

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
First bloom seedlings from a flask I got from Paphioland a few years back. The clonal cross was 'Best' x 'Close Second' and were two plants he selected from the Orchid Zone's breeding. Here's a link to the initial offering: http://www.slippertalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14157&highlight=spicerianum




As you can see on the one, the dorsal is "locked in" by the synsepal and is unable to reflex like a normal spicerianum.
That second one is just wrong Ross! Sweet spices you have! I wonder if it will continue this lock-in trait every time it blooms.
almost looks like there may be a genetic thing making the pouch and dorsal 'fatter' or wider than normal, along with the upper petals (which might interfere with the normal ruffling of the whole flower)
(That is it's great,great grandpa, Bruno coming out in it:ninja:)

Possibly worth speculating about. Without a complete geneology, however, the discussion will remain pure speculation. In discussions with others, I've heard that the famous spicerianum clone, 'Bostock', is one of the main breeders in the Orchid Zone breeding.

One of the reasons I started the thread is to find out if anyone else has seen a flat dorsal spicerianum.
I renember a while ago someone got an AQ for a group of spicerianum in Japan or Taiwan I think. They all had flat dorsals. Really good looking flowers. Roth chimed in and said they were hybrids of Bruno x spice or (Bruno x spice) x spice. I think they looked similar to this one. It will be interesting to see if more from the flask come out like this or just this one. If more than this one I think bruno is in there somewhere.
That's just unfair to blame Bruno everytime a good spicer turns up. Maybe this one is just a chance tetraploid?
All segments are wider than normal, and should just do the lockin of the dorsal. Wish it was mine, by the way.
The normal one is nice, hope there will be more good flowers from that flask.
I hate to throw a wet blanket on this, but I don't think anything is "locked" - either in this flower or for the future.

I have seen synsepals appear to "clasp" the dorsal like that, and hoped it would stay non-reflexed, only to have it change later, or on the next blooming.

I have also seen them stay like that when the synsepal was grossly underdeveloped.

If that was my plant, I'd self that puppy immediately, in the hope of developing a new, superior strain.