a few more Coelogyne's

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Tamworth UK
Evening, morning afternoon,

Here are a few more of my Coelogynes, I do find them a very easy orchid to grow and flower. I only have a few Coelogynes i struggle with just because i have them a little warmer than they like.

First up, is a my Coelogyne speciosa/salmonicolor, I actully bever wanted this plant. There had been a mix up and the wrong lables, but now that i have grown it i have to say i wouldnt change it is a damn good flowerer.

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Next up is a nice dark form of speciosa, I love this species I dont know why just eveyr thing about floats my boat, another very good flowerer.

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Next up Ive had this hybrid for a couple of year and is an extermely strong grower and bulks up fast, this year it gave me three spikes and has filled the pot full.

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This was a punt when I saw it at a show as the cross is very different the cross is salmonicolor X corymbosa. It has not flowered this year for me but grown extremly well, it might be way to warm for the plant to be able to spike for me. But it is a lovely little flower.

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You have a great Coelogyne collection! I just got one that is supposed to be speciosa salmon -- I hope it is.

I hope it is the right species for as its ment to be extremely rare, my one is in question. I had a quite a few people take swipes at me about mine, on other places but one well.
Yes some are fragrant the speciosa and Rebecca Howe are but I woild bot say it's a lovely smell, but then I woild not say it was a horrible smell. They are a unique smell.

Really I use to get a few of the species in this group when I was in Singapore, but they where not the easiest.

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