A few warm growing Coelogynes

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Tamworth UK
As much a I love slipper orchids my second passion it Coelogynes and close relitives.

First up is Coelogyne tomentosa or what use to be massangeana, I love this species so easy to flower, and normally get two flowerings a year off my plant, very rarley I get three sets.

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Next up is Coleogyne pulverula what was dayana this plant I brought, was meant to be flowering size speed up five years later its finally big enough to flower. This species dose make a very large plant, when I worked for the RHS there was one plant with a leaf span of a 1m.

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Last one is one of my fav's Coelogyne velutina as its very different in colour to most of the genus and, is rarley offered in the UK. I am not a massive fan of pink but i forgive the plant for the colour. I also like the look of the plant as well.

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Your non-Paph interest is awesome. These days it is great to have enthusiasts for all genuses.
Coelogyne are quite elegant.
Over the next few weeks I'll be posting a few more of my other coelogyne that have been in flower.
There just plants that keep going and going, and flower well even if some are over a short period of time.
Agreed! Easily my second fav genus! Most are as easy to grow as Phal's but are much nice in my opinion.
scent wise I can not remeber if they are fragrant if there i expect that they are not the most, nicely scented.

Yes just colour and lip wise velutina is my fav, but massangeana just flower power wise i love it.

Just be careful as grandulosa is extremley rare or non existant, a lot of the so called grandulosa, are coelogyne intermedia.
my so called grandulosa is intermedia.
Gorgeous bunch! The only drawback to growing these chandelier-type coels is the hanging space required to accomodate the plant and dangling spikes. Also short life of the flowers and seasonality in blooming. You might want to consider adding a coel rochussenii, should be much easier to bloom and puts on a more impressive display than massangeana or dayana.
Gorgeous bunch! The only drawback to growing these chandelier-type coels is the hanging space required to accomodate the plant and dangling spikes. Also short life of the flowers and seasonality in blooming. You might want to consider adding a coel rochussenii, should be much easier to bloom and puts on a more impressive display than massangeana or dayana.

Funny you should say that I have rochussenii and i am findimg I a very fical plant might go in the bin very soon.
LOL. Get a different clone.. :p Rochussenii is variable, some have sparse blooms on the spikes, most of the sought after ones have flowers densely-arranged along the spikes.

My rochussenii has a gap between each bulb, but they always dies on me this is my thid and all the onld leafs have died. The new leaves are turning with black spots soon to drop.
I just seem to find this plant very difficult I think i am to cool for it. Never had a problem with this one when I lived in singapore

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