Aircone pots

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A $70 Timex can keep time as accurately as a $30,000 Rolex, is the Rolex worth it?
Who knows?

I recently switched to plastic pots mainly meant for Aroids. But the three sizes I am using are roughly $1, $2 and $2.70 per pot. Are they worth it? Too early for me to tell right now.
So far I like the dramatic increase in drainage and I like to be able to see root growth.
Personally, I have not used an aircone pot once. But I imagine that there are dozens of people here that do and swear by them. Use a control. Take two divisions of some thing, grow them side by side. One in an aircone, one not. Decide for yourself.
Growing orchids well is a labor of love, trial and error, it is not a one size fits all situation!
My three cents worth.
LOL! Bill, your answers are always so colorful!

I ordered a bunch of orchid supplies today and I just found out how expensive those Aircone pots were...I would like to hear from someone who has been using those pots.
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I always feel like the space directly under the plant were there is usually dead area for the roots is where I want the extra air not a small bump at the bottom of the pot. I’m sure they can’t hurt. I tend to like round green pots from an aesthetic perspective though as crazy as that sounds 😂
I have used round green plastic pots for decades and I will continue to use them...but I also see the advantages of clear pots--you can see the condition of the roots and the moisture level of the mix. Mater of fact, All of the pots I ordered today are clear pots--square and round.
I don't mind ordering a few Aircone pots next time to try if they are that good--worth 3 or 4 times more money.
Well, you can get clear pots. And you can get small pots that you put upside down in the bottom of those clear pots. Sort of a poor-man's Aircone pot. I've bought the Air-cone pots mostly because I remember Ray Rands' advertisements. Dr. Toot indeed.

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