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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
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no hatred!!
I think it's great at all the culture here, everybody from different countries, theres gotta be a thread about whats in an average day where you are! I'd love to here about all your different customs, you people are awesome!
An average day....hmmmm now let me see. Get up, walk the dog, feed the fish, mist my orchids and then work gets in the way. Walk the dog again, wonder if the sky will remain clear to set my scope up, decide to not set up and then get the ipad out and come on the forum to see what I can pick up from you experts! Ahh the life of a constiruction worker.
An average day....hmmmm now let me see. Get up, walk the dog, feed the fish, mist my orchids and then work gets in the way. Walk the dog again, wonder if the sky will remain clear to set my scope up, decide to not set up and then get the ipad out and come on the forum to see what I can pick up from you experts! Ahh the life of a constiruction worker.

Same here. What type of dog? What type of fish?
Coffee, feed four dogs, check the greenhouse, take various things out of the
puppy's mouth, feed the puppy, mow in the nursery fields, check the
greenhouse, feed four dogs, take things out of the puppy's mouth, talk
to the parrots, take things out of the puppy's mouth...oh, pee and poop
patrol and check the woodlot for skunks.

For you Linus:
Dogs are Sophie (six year old PBGV), Ro (three year old Shih Tzu), Jess
(two year old Shih Tzu) and Sally Barnes (four month old Cavalier King
Charles Spaniel). Parrots are Loud and Louder.

the dogs a 5 year old Spanish Water dog named Bella and the fish are a mixture of Koi carp, goldfish, shubunkin and tench. I used to keep tropical fresh water and then went on to keep tropical marine and then rift cichlids (mbuna) from Lake Malawi until I started to work overseas some years ago.
Now let's see--up around 9.30am with breakfast waiting,Do the usual jobs of washing up and hoovering ( just to help out ). Into the greenhouse until I'm called for lunch and then back in the greenhouse. If it's sunny I may have a round of golf or a game of bowls. The only pet we have (apart from orchids ) is a Senegal parrot which is as soft as putty. Then it's dinner time so a couple of glasses of red wine, TV and late to bed --hence the arisal time!! I never knew it could be such hard work being retired but I suppose I just have to put up with it!!!!

Ed, I'm retired, also. My husband and I often wonder how we ever had time to work full time. :) Doing what? Up around 7 - 7:30, 15 minutes of stretching exercises, work on the computer: email, check weather, check out some orchid sites. 20 minutes on my exercise bike followed by some flexibility exercises. Breakfast. Check greenhouse and do some watering, repotting, re-arranging or whatever else needs to be done. Back at the computer to work on the society's newsletter and/or website. Work in the garden. Make supper. Relax watching the news, the Rachel Maddow show, nature and/or history programs while checking Slippertalk. Retire after the 11:00 news and the Daily Report.
Pretty dull life, don'cha think?
I wake before the sun, get dressed, use the john check my email, eat breakfast make sure blinds are set and water tanks are full for orchids, go to work, come home, check on orchids, eat, argue with wife, go to sleep. repeat 5 days a week

I can sympathise on the arguing with the wife. i can see an argument looming when I tell mine that I want a bigger grow tent and the only space we have is in the spare bedroom that I have just redecorated as a guest room. On the plus side though at least the tent is black in colour so matches the decor although it will take the space of a wardrobe. Oh happy days!
Ed, I'm retired, also. My husband and I often wonder how we ever had time to work full time. :) Doing what? Up around 7 - 7:30, 15 minutes of stretching exercises, work on the computer: email, check weather, check out some orchid sites. 20 minutes on my exercise bike followed by some flexibility exercises. Breakfast. Check greenhouse and do some watering, repotting, re-arranging or whatever else needs to be done. Back at the computer to work on the society's newsletter and/or website. Work in the garden. Make supper. Relax watching the news, the Rachel Maddow show, nature and/or history programs while checking Slippertalk. Retire after the 11:00 news and the Daily Report.
Pretty dull life, don'cha think?

Dot. With all that execise I'd need longer in bed ---- rest of the day sounds interesting ---- exercise first thing in the morning, it takes me all that time to shower dress and then move!!!

Dot. With all that execise I'd need longer in bed ---- rest of the day sounds interesting ---- exercise first thing in the morning, it takes me all that time to shower dress and then move!!!


HEHE -- but I didn't say how long it took me to get there.:)
Lately I have been using duct tape to get rid of a wart on my face.

I wish my days were that productive:wink:

In my younger years I worked at a zoo in aquarium/herpetarium, so was pretty much fish, frogs, lizards from 8-5. My ex GF owned a pet shop, and we had up to 8 dogs 3 horses, and various other livestock to train herding dogs on at any given time. So it was pretty much the 24/7 exotic and domestic animal life until I got married ( to a pachyderm keeper).

We raised 4 boys along with a sizable menagerie of critters.

Eventually I got out of zoo biz and now work in ecotoxicology (so spend my working time trying to figure out how to kill stuff). Raising the kids took too much out of me and $$ to maintain the rocketry and aquarium hobbies at the level I was accustomed to so switched to orchids.

So with all the boys growed and out of the house (but up to grandkid #4, with #5 on the way) my day consists of:
1) getting woke up by whining dogs and screaming parrot.
2) get COFFEE
3) get dressed for work
4) check GH and water orchids
5) battle traffic to work
6) devise ways to poison and kill things (while daydreaming about ways to improve orchid culture).
7 drink more coffee
8 look at newest pics of grandkids (posted by grandma)
9 battle traffic home
10 fight my way past happy dogs to get in the door
11 check gh and conduct slug patrol
12 get on ST or read until can't stay awake.
Critters are the best alarm clocks and they're never wrong. Dogs especially
know what time it is ALL the time. They like promptness.

dogs always know EXACTLY what time it is and also what day it is.

not surprised that the folks here are creatures of routine...and also have a lot of dogs and orchids...two forms of life that depend on/thrive on routine.
Interesting to read. Obviously animals and orchids go together!
I just wish I could be as structured and organized as everyone else. I just seem to ricochet around and always seem to plan about 25% too many things to fit in the day.

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