Another pale Cattleya lueddemanniana.

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
Acquired as a pale lueddemanniana several years ago but the parentage was under question as it’s a large plant for this species, about the size of a labiata and up to now, it’s always grown in the spring and bloomed in August/September. The thought was that it might be a cross with warscewiczii. Now I’m not so sure.
In the new grow room, it’s growing just like the others of this species, starting a growth in November and flowering now.
It’s capable of much fuller form than this. It was repotted at the start of the growth.
The third photo shows it with the clone ‘luz de luna’.
I have seen some paler then that but correct me if I am wrong but don’t they range from a very soft, pastel color, through a slightly darker pink all the way through a very dark form?
In my opinion, they are all pretty. They are like Lay’s potato chips. “Bet you can’t eat just one!”
But with lueddemanniana, shouldn’t it be, “You should not just grow only one?”
Indeed there is a great variety of colour forms of this species. The dark ones are darker than any other unifoliate species.
I have about six or seven clones of various colours and I’d grow more if they were available now. Brexit has put paid to that.
Please forgive me! The members on this site are capable of being well" above the rest" and I believe mostly superior growers who can lead by example and inspire others. When I see, they are all pretty, I really like it, it's very nice, I do not feel that that is inspiring. We are all ruled by our pocket book, and I know that acquiring top top quality clones is at times daunting, but the rewards are immense personally. To that end, I believe that members here should share and distribute divisions and pollen to others who wish to breed and push forward the limits present in species today. Much of my inspiration comes from the fact that I have been growing superior clones owner by Dr. Leslie Ee, who travels extensively and has made it a quest to secure quality species plants. I have seen the results of growing these plants well. Be aggressing moving forward. Make your wish list happen, Cheers.
I echo your thoughts David and would love to share divisions etc but for me, Brexit has put paid to much of this sort of thing. I continue to look for ways in and out of the UK and I’m sure that in time, some things will be worked out, especially by the nurseries.
The odd plant comes up for sale occasionally, you just have to be diligent and keep scanning for them.
Now that I just reread this post, I would like to make a few comments:

1. The lip of this cultivar does not match lueddemaniana with the red striations in my opinion (sorry Terry)
2. The color range of the pink can vary from light pastel pink through to dark rubra pink red. So this flower is within range.
3. Despite all above, the presence of the wing tips on column as mentioned is the definitive marker for this species. Is it present? Maybe a pic?
4. There is a ratio of petals to sepals that is off a bit from this lueddie. But that might be a visual illusion here.
5. Is the angle of the leaf to pseudo bulb consistent with your other lueddies?
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Now that I just reread this post, I would like to make a few comments:

1. The lip of this cultivar does not match lueddemaniana with the red striations in my opinion (sorry Terry)
2. The color range of the pink can vary from light pastel pink through to dark rubra pink red. So this flower is within range.
3. Despite all above, the presence of the wing tips on column as mentioned is the definitive marker for this species. Is it present? Maybe a pic?
4. There is a ratio of petals to sepals that is off a bit from lueddie. But that might be a visual illusion here.
5. Is the angle of the leaf to pseudo bulb consistent with your other lueddies?
My experience with luedd. is very limited! I have seen the wing tips on the ‘Arthur Chadwick’ mericlone that I purchased so at least know what to look for. Do you look for this at the judging table when you are dealing with submitted lueddemanniana?
My experience with luedd. is very limited! I have seen the wing tips on the ‘Arthur Chadwick’ mericlone that I purchased so at least know what to look for. Do you look for this at the judging table when you are dealing with submitted lueddemanniana?
No worries… we all learn.

And yes, I do check the wings if I suspect not true. But even then, I still look to confirm.
Those are such beautiful flowers. I'm not technical over the orchids like the rest of you, but I just really like those orchids.

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