Anthogonium gracile

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
I got this last year from Andy's, and this is the second flowering. It seems to grow ok, but I'm still figuring out how to grow it. If you grow this species, I'd like to know how you grow it. I couldn't find lots of info about this species, so I wrote up a little bit about what I have learned from googling around (link to my blog page).

Anthogonium gracile on Flickr

Anthogonium gracile front view on Flickr

Anthogonium gracile plant on Flickr

I'm glad that I managed to get the appropriate gray background with these photos (instead of pitch black, which I frequently end up with). :)
Well that's quite unique. How long does each flower last? Does it have a dormant period?

I think that each flower last 5-7 days this year. But it seems to be in bloom for a month or so totalLast year (when it was still not accustomed to my environment), it was shorter. I feel like that it is a weird time to flower, but it flowered around December last year, too.

Does Andy grow it under the same conditions as you mention in your blog?

I'm not sure because I didn't talk to them, but their web site says summer blooming, 2500-3500fc light, Cool-warm, favoring cooler end, Moist/Dry watering. When I got it, liverwort was growing, so I think they kept it fairy moist. So somewhat similar. Since it is widely distributed, and appears to be common in the nature, it may tolerate many condition.

Very cool. Maybe Marni Turkel would know? Or Tom Mirenda?

Marni said that she hadn't grown this species.
Well, when I took the photos above last Christmas, I managed to break off a new 10cm shoot (I think it is supposed to be stolon). I put this broken stick in a pot with soil. After a couple months, it became brown, so I assumed it was dead. Then I was repotting a month ago, and discovered this:


At the base (right top) of the broken piece, which was under the soil, there are 2 new growths (white things)! I repotted it into a new pot, and they are growing a little bit after a month.

Magnified view:

For the main plant, I managed to break off the 2 new growth points again during the repot.... Mmmm, this species is so fragile, but I'm sure that the broken pieces will grow. I added this info to the original blog post.

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