Anyone knows if variety Cuasialba is a real cattleya variety?

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Feb 13, 2025
Reaction score
Hello guys!
I recently ordered an import of a Cattleya warscewiczii var. cuasialba 'Sinifana' and I was wondering if this could just be an alba or is this a real variety? I have noticed that compared to other cattleya warscewiczii alba this one has almost no yellow on the lip and has a faint pink on it. I'll attach a picture. It is truly a gorgeous cattleya warscewiczii.

Thanks a lot!


David is right. It’s quasi-alba or almost alba.

The definition of this color form is a white flower with any pink tinge, from very invisible (seen from backlighting) or a pink tinge in petals and/or lip.
David is right. It’s quasi-alba or almost alba.

The definition of this color form is a white flower with any pink tinge, from very invisible (seen from backlighting) or a pink tinge in petals and/or lip.
Thanks a lot! This one is a selfing and I read a bit and apparently there is a chance (not small) of the selfing not turning out to he quasi-alba but just a plain tipo. Would that be correct? Genetics is a complicated topic for me
You never know with the genetics of orchids. Some strange things can happen with rare traits like this. However you’ve maybe been fortunate and you have a plant just like the parent. To know more you would have to see a group of seedlings from the selfing in bloom.
You never know with the genetics of orchids. Some strange things can happen with rare traits like this. However you’ve maybe been fortunate and you have a plant just like the parent. To know more you would have to see a group of seedlings from the selfing in bloom.
I see, so there is even a chance of getting something completely different? In such a case could I rename the cattleya to for example (if it ends up being a var. tipo that I like) cattleya warscewiczii tipo 'any name I come up with' so it would lose the var. quasialba 'Sinifana'?

Thanks a lot, this is kind of complicated haha
As it’s a seedling you could name it anything you like when it blooms.
Its current name should read warscewiczii ‘sinifana’ x self. If you left off the x self it would indicate a division of the original plant, not a selfing.
As it’s a seedling you could name it anything you like when it blooms.
Its current name should read warscewiczii ‘sinifana’ x self. If you left off the x self it would indicate a division of the original plant, not a selfing.
I see thanks a lot!
The nursery just gave me a % of getting this variety and they said it's less than 25% haha… I hope even if I don't get these variety I get another shade of pink from it
David is right. It’s quasi-alba or almost alba.

The definition of this color form is a white flower with any pink tinge, from very invisible (seen from backlighting) or a pink tinge in petals and/or lip.
I believe "cuasi" is Spanish for almost. My question therefore is who decides whether the variety name should be "cuasialba", or "quasi-alba"? Is "quasi" preferred because it is Latin? Or, since warscewiczii comes from Columbia, is "cuasialba" a locally recognized varietal name that us Norteamericanos don't choose to accept?
Kew does not recognize any infraspecies (varieties, var.) for warscewiczii. I think you would list it as Cattleya warscewiczii (quasi-alba) ‘The name you choose’. I think most experts are in favor of putting color names just in parenthesis rather than calling them forma.
Thanks a lot! This one is a selfing and I read a bit and apparently there is a chance (not small) of the selfing not turning out to he quasi-alba but just a plain tipo. Would that be correct? Genetics is a complicated topic for me
Depending on the parents, it may produce pinks or tipos. Since you mention it came as part of the 25% turned quasi, then most likely the parents had other color genes in them. Ask for parentage pics.
I believe "cuasi" is Spanish for almost. My question therefore is who decides whether the variety name should be "cuasialba", or "quasi-alba"? Is "quasi" preferred because it is Latin? Or, since warscewiczii comes from Columbia, is "cuasialba" a locally recognized varietal name that us Norteamericanos don't choose to accept?
I have not seen cuasi used in South America for Cattleya’s so far. But it is the direct translation.
Depending on the parents, it may produce pinks or tipos. Since you mention it came as part of the 25% turned quasi, then most likely the parents had other color genes in them. Ask for parentage pics.
I'll go and ask, let's see if they can provide the pics. In your judgement do you think the resulting orchid of the x Self could produce lighter pink flowers? or ones with white with some really pale pink? For example. Thanks a lot!
I'll go and ask, let's see if they can provide the pics. In your judgement do you think the resulting orchid of the x Self could produce lighter pink flowers? or ones with white with some really pale pink? For example. Thanks a lot!
If it’s a double recessive gene of this 25%, a selfing will produce all quasi albas.
If it’s a double recessive gene of this 25%, a selfing will produce all quasi albas.
Ohhh that's good news! But someone told me it may just be a tipo but just a very light one. Would that shade of really light pink be recessive too? I know almost nothing about genetics. Thanks a lot!

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