AOS?... or maybe just me

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2yr HCC Awarded Stud
Supporting Member
Feb 11, 2008
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New Hampshire
Has everyone received their Orchids magazine for this month? I have gotten my Orchid Digest but not the former. I'm curious as to whether it was late, lost, or part of a bigger problem.

A lot of discussion has been happening regarding the AOS/Orchidwiz issue. I'm curious as to what others think. I'd like to see something worked out, mainly because I loathe AQ Plus. I do honestly believe that a deal would be in their best interest and think that even a joint product could be fantastic. I know lots of orchid folks who feel the same, but are not encouraged by what they see as the AOS "not being with the times."

Well, I'm droning on. Let us discuss...
What really bugs me are those emails I get from the AOS and OrchidWiz explaining their side of the story. I don't know about you, but I really don't care about their negociations. What I want is for them to find a solution. I'm not going to buy any new update from either one until they get it all together. :)
i signed up to be a member over a month ago....never got any word on being billed or anything, tried buying the Awards dvd...the website was dead...
I was just thinking earlier today especially when the mail came, shouldn't I be getting Orchids? I guess I didn't get enough of a fix these past weekend with the show! :p
What really bugs me are those emails I get from the AOS and OrchidWiz explaining their side of the story.

Reminiscent of when I was apart of a chat board and the Owners/moderators decided to have their divorce discussions shared with all the members. Entertaining for about 5 seconds, then it just seems petty and sad.
i signed up to be a member over a month ago....never got any word on being billed or anything, tried buying the Awards dvd...the website was dead...
If you think that's long join Slipper Orchid Alliance, I'm a bit disappointed in that one.
Was starting to look for my AOS mag,too! All the email from AOS complaining/defending their position, about Orchid Whiz gets old. Hard to get all worked up about it as OrchidWhiz donates one of their programs to our local society every year.
Whether or not the aos has a legal leg to stand on, and I see that they are always trying to find ways to make more money with things that they create, I think they are missing the fact that their image is more important than their being right and winning a legal case. Others have pointed out that they would likely make more money by settling for a small amount and partnering with orchidwiz and not engaging legal issues and creating/updating their own software all the time, especially since they talk about not having enough help to do things. Here they seem to want to be right, but often there are times when being 'right' is the wrong thing to do at a particular time, and ends up causing you more grief than you had before. If they worried less about protecting assets that seems kind of slim and engaged the public by being fairly cooperative and making a little instead of worrying about getting more, people might be more willing to go along with being a member of the aos. ... and asking a lawyer
(who wants your money) if you have a legal case, is like asking a bear if it wants some honey. they'll go along if they think they'll get paid, whether or not they really have a good legal base to litigate. (pardon me if i'm being a little cynical and over-generalizing here)
I got my Orchids magazine with the special Dendrobium supplement a couple days ago. Last I heard there was no progress being made with the negotiations, so everything has been stopped for the time being.

My copy of Orchids magazine usually doesn't arrive until the latter portion of the month. :mad: So I hadn't been looking for it yet. It seems that newer members get their magazine before long-term members. I once called up and complained and they started sending it out in a more timely fashion. But that was years ago and I've apparently dropped down the mailing list again.

I also was a subscriber to Awards Quarterly and had renewed my subscription about three months before they switched to AQ Plus. I never received anything to get me started with AQ Plus. No CD, no email, no instructions. Nada. So in other words, my renewal was a complete waste. I've grown quite disillusioned with the AOS over recent years and continually ask myself whether or not to renew each time. Particularly now that so much orchid information is available online these days.
Particularly now that so much orchid information is available online these days.

Very good point. I see this as an even greater incentive to partner with Orchidwiz, or whoever, and make a great program. The internet is good, but I kind of like the idea of "one stop shopping" for information.
I've gotten my AOS magazine, but not Orchid Digest.:confused:

Same here. Got Orchids just the other day (way later than usual) but not Orchid Digest yet.

I encourage you all to voice your opinions in a respectful, concise manner directly to the AOS. Be constructive, not derogatory. E-mail the president and Ron McHatton. Tell them in a couple sentences what it will take for them to keep your membership. This whole thing is a mess. If I didn't have so many years invested in judging already, I'd seriously consider not renewing.
Just received Orchids, but am curious when this supposed AQ 4.0 Sept.10 issue will be out (given that it's mid-Oct. already). Anyone know? I have to email them to get ours mailed out. I think it's a cost-cutting measure; they only mail the AQ out to people who call or email to ask why they haven't gotten it. I even asked specifically last time if something needed to be done so it would come automatically, such as checking our address for an update or double-checking to be sure we are on the distribution roster.
I have not received either but I am in Canada so both show up around this time of month here.

I have been an AOS member over 25 years. I was ready to not renew this year but after about 10 years of the magazine becoming worse and worse it seemed to me that the last few issues are better if not great. I hope they focus on the quality because that is how they will attract the readership that they lost and rebuild

As for the computer programs. I quit the AQ shortly after it came out. Absolute garbage in my opinion. Got the OrchidWiz last year. Its better but quite honestly I rarely use it. It bored me after a couple of weeks.

What both parties really need to do is remember that theoretically we are all doing this to promote the hobby, help each other, educate the public etc.---it is supposssed to be fun and every grower I have ever met was at least in part a bit of teacher and philanthropist rolled into one. Back biting, penny pinching and petty squabbling will bankrupt each side and make us all poorer because we will have lost the opportunity to perhaps put together a product that will be loved by all; inexpensive; comprehensive and easy to use. Shame on both sides. Imagine what could be acheived if the energy in arguing were used to focus on a superb product---with the parties sharing the profits if there were any.

Finally, to cnycharles----I don't know what lawyers you deal with but kindly keep your opinions to yourself. It is people like you shooting their mouths off without thinking that start and inflame these things. For your information , I am a trial lawyer. Every lawyer that I know including myself would be urging both sides to mediate the matter and do everything they can to keep it out of court. No one will win if its litigated- including the lawyers because a. neither party has hugely deep pockets and b. the bad press for the lawyers will cost them more in business in the future than they would earn from this case.

Lawyers must put bread on the table too---but I can do that quite well without silly squabbles like this. It is too time consuming to micromanage this kind of petty rhing and EVERY lawyer I know would run from the case if given the chioce. However the Law Society requires that if we are able to assist, we MUST do so---we can advise clients agaisnt a course of action but as long as they know our opinion, they have a right to fight if that is what they insist upon.

So, if the parties want to be bone-headed and childish--blame the parties not the messenger. Ain't no lawyer gonna get rich off this baby
Ain't no lawyer gonna get rich off this baby

I agree with this. Orchidwiz brought me back to my law school days when they cited the Rural Telephone case, and if I remember the facts somewhat, they may have a point. For clarity, the AOS awards info can't be copyrighted since it is ifornmationdisseminated for public use and consumption (at least if my recollection of Rural Telephone is correct). Haven't looked up the case, and frankly I have better things to do than worry about Orchidwiz's legal position (such as post about it here! :O)

However, please keep the posts civil. Having been in the legal profession and having left it for my own reasons, I can see both sides.
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What really bugs me are those emails I get from the AOS and OrchidWiz explaining their side of the story. I don't know about you, but I really don't care about their negociations. What I want is for them to find a solution. I'm not going to buy any new update from either one until they get it all together. :)

Ditto for me. I don't read the updates anymore....they get deleted as I'm sick of reading them. As for renewing....I don't think I will renew either next year. The cost is getting a little too high.
I am a member of the AOS and I really don't care if Orchidwiz use the information. The information is out there for everyone to see so who cares? I don't know anyone in Australia who checks the information, I haven't used it either. Others will disagree but seriously I don't think it's something people should care about.

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