Finally, to cnycharles----I don't know what lawyers you deal with but kindly keep your opinions to yourself. It is people like you shooting their mouths off without thinking that start and inflame these things. For your information , I am a trial lawyer. Every lawyer that I know including myself would be urging both sides to mediate the matter and do everything they can to keep it out of court. No one will win if its litigated- including the lawyers because a. neither party has hugely deep pockets and b. the bad press for the lawyers will cost them more in business in the future than they would earn from this case.
Of course, not every lawyer is a thief! I'm not shooting off my mouth, but most likely just pointing out that in this case there seems to be more interest in litigation than pointing out reality that there isn't really money to be made by trying this case, though they are hired to do so. I have many relatives who are also lawyers, and none of them are thieves. On the other hand, I most likely followed and posted that line of reasoning because a good friend and co-worker is going through a divorce, and he has pointed out that in several instances his wife's lawyer refused points in the agreement stating that 'she doesn't want that...'. When she was contacted she denied it and said that their previous in person agreements were still agreeable and didn't know what the heck the lawyer was talking about. They had to sit down and draft a total agreement and hand it to her lawyer, with her telling him that this is what she agreed to, make no other determinations or statements or else. It doesn't help, here, that there often are numerous ads on television and newspapers with ambulance chasers plying their wares and asking if you've recently been insulted by your neighbor and their asking to represent you... It is fair game at least in the U.S. that in general conversation of and about lawyers will most often include the descriptive term 'shyster', even though there are many who are not... it is part of the culture and if lawyers in canada and most importantly yourself are not, I humbly apologize and wish you and them well in their practice.
we do both agree that this litigation is a waste of time, and getting personally insulted by broad statements made to a case not involving either of us, probably won't help anything either. ... and if I were in canada and needed representation, then I would know where to look for honest representation!