You're daring me to kill yet another beautiful bellina! Glad you have had success
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..The lack of algae in Larry's tank and my Phal glass is utterly at odds with my experience tending aquaria. I find this very curious.
I did just notice some spots of dark algae on the inside of the jar. So, I put a tiny bit of terry cloth under a small round magnet on the inside and then I used a very large magnet on the outside to move it around (up and down), the glass and clear away the spots. It did clear the spots of course; but, it didn't make any difference to the rest of the glass because there wasn't even a thin layer of algae that would be hard to see. Yes, the mostly absent occurrence of algae is very curious!
The comment about 70 oF water is disheartening... Perhaps modern Phals are tough enough for cooler water? Not belina. I can grow Phals beautifully in my greenhouse; but, not belina. It's a hot grower and not at all tolerant of anything below 70*F. My experience (multiple times), has been that temps cooler than 70*F will cause the foliage of belina to abort and fall off while still green!