Thank you for sharing the photo of the plant and the information, Mike!
It is a big plant! and it grows like typical sympodial rather than throwing underground runners?
The two I lost to rots were obviously robust since they were sending out roots and runners well. I might have just cooked them to death.
It was before the AC was installed. Poor things.
I then bought a bunch of single growth plants from Springwater when Thanh was offering lots of this and micranthum. I got a bunch of micranthum from him too, none of which have died.
Of the armeniacum plants I got from him, one was large like yours. Long and wide leaves. I gave that one away to a friend who has a cold room. It's still alive but no flowers yet he says.
The rest of mine are still single growth plants and slowly adding leaves. Not a single stolon inside the pot as I can tell.
If this plant gets big soon and you decide to divide, please think of me!!
How are your Barbara Larkin (Fumi's Delight x armeniacum) doing? Any progress? They have been very slow so far for the most part. Among the bunch I have, strangely, two smallest seedlings decided to grow and now they are the only ones doing any growing. The rest seem like they are just stopped in time. ??
I was hoping Barbara Larkin will be a nice subsititube for armeniacum, but guess not.
Relatively & generally speaking, all my other armeniacum hybrids are robust growwers.