This thread is just full of fun ideas.
At what point does a Kachina (I learned to spell

) doll become art? You wouldn't put a modern day Kachina on the same level of importance as one from the 1800's, especially if it was hand painted in Pakistan. If a Kachina is art, would a porcelain baby doll be considered art?
Is jewelry art? I don't think so. You could carve a thousand whales into ivory beads and string them into a necklace, but all you would have is a well CRAFTED necklace. Is scrimshaw art, and if so, wouldn't plastic beads strung on yarn be considered art?
Form vs. function. How would you classify a bread box that has been painted by a Master tole painter? Is it art when you paint strawberries on a tobacco can? Or is it craft?
If art is as interpretive as some of you would say it is, then you have to let people like me have my opinions, and let people paint with feces and call it art, and let people dance naked in public and call it performance art, and let get the idea.
This reminds me of my favorite Rudyard Kipling writing:
The Conundrum of the Workshops
WHEN the flush of a newborn sun fell first on Eden's green and gold,
Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mold;
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart,
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves: "It's pretty, but is it Art?"
Read the rest here...