I grew C. geminigibbus for three years (successfully put them in and brought them out of dormancy) consecutively back when I was in high school. I was never able to bloom them, and eventually the plant fizzled out. In hindsight, I don't think I provided nearly enough light, and that likely led to my blooming failure and the plant's failure.
I grew it in a 2" pot in pure sphag. That pot was placed in one of those Lowes carnivorous plant plastic "death cubes" totally sealed with an inch or so of Hydroton and a layer of water (hydroton kept the pot above the water line). I would water once when I saw the nub poking out of the sphag, close the cube and let it be practically all season. From time to time, I would open the cubes to vent it and add fresh air. The plant would signal when it was preparing to enter dormancy by the leaf getting ugly and eventually dying off. At this time, I'd open the cube to let the pot media dry slightly. Then, I'd replace the top on the cube and keep it in that humidity until I saw new growth next season.
I'd be possibly interested in trying again, and I think these would be well suited for culture in an aquarium/terrarium with an all-glass top and some of those screw in LED bulbs similar to those Ray sells.