Hi, I'm just curious because I'm waiting on an eBay plant from Florida, I'm waiting for a shipment from Orchidbabies in Alabama, and I'm waiting for info from Windy Hill Gardens in Missouri..is shipping shut down and for how long due to the weather?
Current temperature here in balmy central Minnesota: -29F (-34C)
Forecast high for today is a sizzling +3F (-16C):evil:
I don't know what it is in F... but we had -17C here today.
That is 1.4 F; That is pretty cold for Europe! I was up in Duluth, MN for New Years and it was -24 F (-31 C) with a windchill of -40 F which is the same as - 40 C! At that temperature it even hurts when you breathe!
Some important F to C conversion numbers:
100 C = 212 F (boiling point of water)
0 C = 32F (Freezing point of water)
0 F = - 18 C
-40 F = - 40 C
We had -22oC last night!!! -22!!!! :crazy:
We're only in Scotland - not the Arctic (or Canada...!). It hasn't been this cold in about 30 years here. Elec bill is going to be a touch on the high side this year, I fear!