Blc. Pamela Hetherington 'Coronation' FCC/AOS (Lc. Paradiso x Bc. 'Mount Anderson') This is a Waldor meristem. Dave Off says it's as good or better than original. First bloom for me, 1 flower. Had another bud that never cleared the sheath. Been in bloom since first of Sept., still looks good!!

Rlc. Hilo Grand 'Waldor's 100 Grand' (C. Orglade's Grand x Rlc. Success Dream) Waldor Original division, 4 flowers. This flower is stunning. Lip is velvet and veining of color in addition to the flares. Never been awarded. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get it judged.

Rlc. Jennifer Off 'Joan' Hcc/AOS (Lc. Harold Carlson x Don de Michaels) Waldor meristem, 5 flowers so a bit crowded.

Cattleya quadricolor coerulea 'Azulina' (original division of John Obata's plant from Christoffersen) 1st bloom for me, was a tiny division. 1 flower, 1 spike, fairly flat (for a quad.), but shape a bit wonky on this bloom. The special thing about this one, I'm told, is the blue anther cap.

Rlc. Hilo Grand 'Waldor's 100 Grand' (C. Orglade's Grand x Rlc. Success Dream) Waldor Original division, 4 flowers. This flower is stunning. Lip is velvet and veining of color in addition to the flares. Never been awarded. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get it judged.

Rlc. Jennifer Off 'Joan' Hcc/AOS (Lc. Harold Carlson x Don de Michaels) Waldor meristem, 5 flowers so a bit crowded.

Cattleya quadricolor coerulea 'Azulina' (original division of John Obata's plant from Christoffersen) 1st bloom for me, was a tiny division. 1 flower, 1 spike, fairly flat (for a quad.), but shape a bit wonky on this bloom. The special thing about this one, I'm told, is the blue anther cap.