Brassavola Little Stars (nodosa x subulifolia)

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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This is a surprisingly amazing hybrid! Once mature, they'll bloom off and on pretty much all year long and although the flowers are a bit smaller than Brassavola nodosa, they are more prolific and just as fragrant! A single plant can easily fill a medium sized room with the amazing clove and gardenia inspired fragrance.

I'm a big fan of B. nodosa, but this hybrid represents a lot of competition because of how many flowers it tends to produce! And even though B. nodosa is generally assumed to be an easy to grow and bloom orchid, I think this hybrid is even easier.

Lovely blooms on your plant. Any tips on how you grow it and the conditions you provide?
This is a surprisingly amazing hybrid! Once mature, they'll bloom off and on pretty much all year long and although the flowers are a bit smaller than Brassavola nodosa, they are more prolific and just as fragrant! A single plant can easily fill a medium sized room with the amazing clove and gardenia inspired fragrance.

I'm a big fan of B. nodosa, but this hybrid represents a lot of competition because of how many flowers it tends to produce! And even though B. nodosa is generally assumed to be an easy to grow and bloom orchid, I think this hybrid is even easier.

Lovely blooms on your plant. Any tips on how you grow it and the conditions you provide?
When I first received this plant I put it in my grow tent (5x5x6.5ft.) which resides in by formal dining room turned office. Very close to the 200 watt grow light and with controlled environment of 66/85 degrees F and 55/75%. Daylight ranged from 9 to 13 hours/day. Once it showed buds on two spikes I placed it outside under the edge of a gazebo covered with ~50% shadecloth which gets the southern sun from about 10am to 5pm. The brutal 90+degree heat and 75+% humidity only served to turn up the growth and blooming dial. If the weather turns extra foul it gets brought inside for protection, but goes right back out when the storm passes.
This is a fast growing, robust hybrid. Doesn't seem to care if it is too hot or dry, and doesn't suffer if I skip a watering or two. The plant in the attached photo was just 4-5 small clumps three years ago. I believe this is a 3-gallon nursery container. I'm sure you will be happy with this hybrid in the years ahead. Mike


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This is a fast growing, robust hybrid. Doesn't seem to care if it is too hot or dry, and doesn't suffer if I skip a watering or two. The plant in the attached photo was just 4-5 small clumps three years ago. I believe this is a 3-gallon nursery container. I'm sure you will be happy with this hybrid in the years ahead. Mike
The specimen this came from, after it was divided into smal pieces, covered a 6ft round table. I would have loved to see it intact.

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