Brown Swans

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Aug 14, 2014
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Cycnoches Jumbo Cooper x Cycnoches cooperi.
These are all from Brent Baker's breeding (Rogue Orchids).
I bought two of them together last fall with spikes initiated but blasted, and one, the last one, three years ago.

The two siblings grew a little bit larger this year and both had a single spike bearing six flowers.

So, the first of the two flowered about three weeks ago.
The spike itself was very dark and the flowers are rather smallish.
Lots of rust/orange undertone, which is kind of cool, kind of meh.
The flowers were facing all directions and could not get good photos.


The second one just opened up yesterday.
The spike is only slightly brown, and the flowers are also smallish here.
The flowers are lighter but looks cleaner without veining being too visible.
Four of them have one spot near the center, and two are without spots.



This is the oldest one of the three, and with the same parents as the other two.
It loves to flower, but never actually flowered for me. It would make spikes with lots of buds, but then they would all just dry up and die.
I was finally fed up with it and decided to toss it a few weeks ago when this year's spike with well over 20 buds all died, then the same story with the second spike. I noticed something different with the second spike, so I kept it to see if I would finally get luck to see it flower.
The first three buds were not being affected, and they look like they are ready to open any day now!

Very dark chocolate color like its cooperi parent, well, at least the buds look that way, plus these are bigger than the other ones I have.
So, I'm really looking forward to the opening!!

What a shame, over 20 buds would have been spectacular!

Oh, there's something strange going on.
If you look closely, at the base of this second spike for the year, a third spike is starting.

Gorgeous cross, I’d say it ironed out the dorsal a bit and added size and width to the flowers. Very nice
I've become addicted to this alliance. This is such a beautiful bloom. Love the color. Go good with the yellows in my collection. I have to keep an eye out for this one! Nice job!
Correction: The first two plants are indeed from the same batch, but this last one is not.

Cycnoches Jumbo Cooper 'SVO' x Cycnoches cooperi 'Memoria Pat Worthington' AM/AOS


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