Bubble Wrap Greenhouse Insulation

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Apr 12, 2014
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Has anyone with a greenhouse ever used the bubble wrap insulation on the interior of their greenhouse glazing?

A few years ago when we had below zero temperatures forecast, i put up a layer of plastic on the interior of the greenhouse that captured an air layer. THe temps outside actually dipped to -8 F, and the plastic layer helped maintain the interior temps better than nothing. You could actually feel the difference next to glass after i installed the plastic...

The investment for me is only 100$ and the stuff is supposed to be good for 4 seasons, so although it doesn't look that great, seems like it would actually save some heating costs and keep my plants next to the glass happier.

Just wondering if anyone has actual experience with it. here's the product at farmtek - Home - FarmTek - Hydroponic Fodder Systems, Farming & Growing Supplies, Hoop Barns, Poultry & Livestock Equipment, High Tunnels, Greenhouses & More
Yes, I use greenhouse bubble wrap on the inside of my greenhouse. The winter temperatures can get well below freezing where I live, so the bubble wrap is a great way of increasing the insulation.
I've used it too. Make sure you get UV stabilised bubble wrap or it will degrade quickly in the sunlight. Some cactus grower's keep it up year round to act as shading in the summer too.
I have done that, but found it to be a serious PITA, especially as the diluted casein glue used to adhere it failed in the humidity and corners peeled.

I installed an outer sheet of 6-mil greenhouse PE film, inflated with a small blower, and it was much more insulating.
I have done that, but found it to be a serious PITA, especially as the diluted casein glue used to adhere it failed in the humidity and corners peeled.

Over here there are small plastic fixings (Wholesale Ali Plugs | JFH Horticultural Supplies Ltd) that fit into the channel in common aluminium greenhouses that hold bubble insulation quite well, but I'm not a fan of using it if at all possible and if I was looking at leaving something up more permanently, I'd use 4mm twinwall polycarbonate inside but it would cost a lot more.
thanx much all....

it does appear to be a somewhat PITA

Since my verticals are basically aluminum i beams, i had planned to either clip it in with binder clips or use the wire i get from the drywall/ceiling supply to spring load it into place... so the adhesive isn't really in the equation..

either way thanx for all the input...

:) stay warm!!!
I just drilled holes through the aluminum frame and used washers and bolts to keep the bubblewrap in place (see below). The bubblewrap has been in place around 10 years and still going strong. I highly recommend it myself. This, combined with the 10mm polycarbonate panels has saved me a lot of money in heating bills.


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I never tried bubble wrap. I was leary of it holding up considering my cold winter on Long Island. I was afraid of UV light degrading it too.
I used a roll of 6 mil plastic which I taped down using a heavy duty 2” tape. I used some 1x 2 wooden slats on edge on the roof of the greenhouse to create an air space. The greenhouse was covered from mid October through Mid April every year. It came in 100’ long rolls by 16’ wide. I got three years out of a roll.
Back from 1981-2008 it ran about $50 to $60 a roll. So with tape cost it ran about $45 or so per year to cover my 300 square foot lean to.

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