Mrs. Paph
As spring approaches, I start scheming about what plants I want to acquire, and after seeing a great presentation on orchids in Peru at a local society meeting, I'm reminded that I'd like to find a Catt. rex! (I want a certain purple Phrag too, but that will have to wait for a drop in price & an increase in my confidence in Phrag growing!) For the most part, I prefer to let other's grow the monstrous Catt and Catt hybrids, but I really like the 'wild' look of this species, and the lip is to die for :drool: Does anyone know of any seedling offerings or divisions? I'm not looking to break the bank and buy an awarded clone, so perhaps I'll just have to wait until more propagated plants become available (from the presentation it sounded like more conservation/artificial propagation is being done now), but I just thought I'd see what the forum might know about this!