I just did a post on cattleya labiata, some thoughts. Yes, intermediate as I attempt to keep winter lows at 60f/15c and summer high at 85f/30c but this is an effort and air movement is the key. Humidity between 50 low and 85 high. All watering is rain water. Also the low winter temp. has to be kept at 60f or above as phalaenopsis species will suffer or die below this. I used to get down to 12c 55f, but the cattleya have responded to warmer winter lows. Light conditions for large plants are all natural light only as they are roof suspended. I have to do lattice roof shading from mid April to mid September and still have burn on occasion. Also my media for large cattleya has now changed to25% orchiata, horticultural charcoal, lecca and pumice to help with root preservation, it means more frequent summer watering, but winter watering is now at 10 day intervals. In my conditions, I have found I can grow trianae, gaslelliana, jenmanii, labiata, intermedia, rex, luteola, quadricolor, mossiae, mendelii and warscewiczii quite well, and some others respectably.