This is the fifth flowering of this plant, this time with 5 flowers, the largest about 17 cm. It has grown well under LED light with Hydroton as the potting medium.

The purpurata color form striata has been described as unbranched lines or stripes, of any color, that radiate out along the petals and sepals, against a lighter background.
The color form schusteriana is problematic. Here is a link to a photo posted by Rosim_in_Brazil (Mauro) on Orchid Board in 2009.
Mauro goes on to say:
“This has been treated as a separate variety here in Brazil, but I really can’t agree. The only difference between this and the variety roxo-violeta is the size of the lip. To me, creating a new variety based only upon the size of the lip is to push things a little, but that’s the way things are for now. For me, the correct name would be … roxo-violeta …”
In a 2016 on Orchid board, notes of a talk given by Amy Chung Jacobsen are posted including details of purpurata color forms. The form schusteriana is not listed, which makes me think that in Brazil at least, this term may never have taken hold. Here is a quote from the notes:
“Blues have several forms. The coerulea we are familiar with is called ardosa in Brazil. A brighter blue is called roxo-violeta in southern Brazil and aco in the north. A unique and unusual grayish blue is called werkhauserii.”
I do not think my flower has any of the ardosa/roxo-violeta/aco/schusteriana lip coloration and it should be called a striata.

The purpurata color form striata has been described as unbranched lines or stripes, of any color, that radiate out along the petals and sepals, against a lighter background.
The color form schusteriana is problematic. Here is a link to a photo posted by Rosim_in_Brazil (Mauro) on Orchid Board in 2009.
Mauro goes on to say:
“This has been treated as a separate variety here in Brazil, but I really can’t agree. The only difference between this and the variety roxo-violeta is the size of the lip. To me, creating a new variety based only upon the size of the lip is to push things a little, but that’s the way things are for now. For me, the correct name would be … roxo-violeta …”
In a 2016 on Orchid board, notes of a talk given by Amy Chung Jacobsen are posted including details of purpurata color forms. The form schusteriana is not listed, which makes me think that in Brazil at least, this term may never have taken hold. Here is a quote from the notes:
“Blues have several forms. The coerulea we are familiar with is called ardosa in Brazil. A brighter blue is called roxo-violeta in southern Brazil and aco in the north. A unique and unusual grayish blue is called werkhauserii.”
I do not think my flower has any of the ardosa/roxo-violeta/aco/schusteriana lip coloration and it should be called a striata.