Cattleya purpurata

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
Tamworth UK

One of the very few Cattleya's I have in my collection as I really dont get on with this genus. This one has always been a reliable bloomer for me, I have never got anymore than three blooms on a spike.

I love the smell of this one, and I like how the lilac colour has bled through the flower than the crisp white and purple blooms you see.

I agree. It is still a Laelia in my mind. I'll bet the folks in South America who have whole societies in this species have a special name for it.

Yours is gorgeous!
Nice Cattleya!

I understand the reluctance of some to call this Cattleya, but it can't be Laelia. It isn't more closely related to Laelia than it is to Cattleya, in fact much more distantly. It got called Laelia due to one influential guy's ego and convenience for keying rather than valid science and everyone else's good sense. It is like insisting that your sister is actually more closely related to your third cousin than she is to you because they both have freckles and you don't. If you don't like Cattleya call it Sophronitis or Brasilaeila. Those are rational supportable choices. (stepping down from soapbox)
Neither are taxonomists ;)

Of course, it is fashionable to call anything you don't like fake news, and the number of climate change denying, evolution denying, flat earthers increases constantly. Might as well bash scientists like taxonomists too if you don't like what they say. Your alternative facts as just as valid.
90% of the time I refere to nearly all plants bumpy there grew or species.

Names changes annoy me mainly becuase I use to work in botany and get really annoys that I was changes lables and records very often. I fiund plant I must have changed the name 8 time in three months as they kept going back and fourth. Now what ever the plant was brough as it stays that name for ever more unless it's obvious its fits to another genus than the orginal one.

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