This is another of my Cattleyas that must compete for space. ‘Dark Rose’ is not an awarded cultivar but a reputable source told me it was considered tetraploid (4N) and a selfing of it should still be 4N.

This is the third time I have bloomed the plant, this time with three flowers. Largest flower is 12.5 cm horizontal. The dorsal and ventral sepals always curl backwards, so that if I hadn’t taken the picture a little bit looking up into the lip you wouldn’t even see the ventral sepals. From straight on, the flower is two petals and a lip with a short nubbin of a dorsal sepal.
I don’t really see the 4N in the plant or flower. I have looked at the 21 AOS awarded schroederae and the only thing of note I see with my flower is that it is darker in color than most. It is not larger or better configured than any.
When I add up the evidence I see a plant that should probably go away. It blooms at the same time as trianae, isn’t as nice or large as most of my trianae, has a nice fragrance that is different from trianae but I wouldn’t keep it just for fragrance. It isn’t a robust grower. I am sure there were many better plants from the cross, which is just how the genetic dice roll.
What am I missing?

This is the third time I have bloomed the plant, this time with three flowers. Largest flower is 12.5 cm horizontal. The dorsal and ventral sepals always curl backwards, so that if I hadn’t taken the picture a little bit looking up into the lip you wouldn’t even see the ventral sepals. From straight on, the flower is two petals and a lip with a short nubbin of a dorsal sepal.
I don’t really see the 4N in the plant or flower. I have looked at the 21 AOS awarded schroederae and the only thing of note I see with my flower is that it is darker in color than most. It is not larger or better configured than any.
When I add up the evidence I see a plant that should probably go away. It blooms at the same time as trianae, isn’t as nice or large as most of my trianae, has a nice fragrance that is different from trianae but I wouldn’t keep it just for fragrance. It isn’t a robust grower. I am sure there were many better plants from the cross, which is just how the genetic dice roll.
What am I missing?