Dick does grow in "mud" but it should never weigh 15 lbs for a 4" pot.
A 4" pot filled with concrete isn't going to weigh 15 lbs
Dick does grow in "mud" but it should never weigh 15 lbs for a 4" pot.
..It's probably labeled properly in the pot as a chuck hybrid, this Darren dude didn't bother to pull the tag up far enough to see the whole name or something. But, he does list the clonal names of the parents. So, he must have pulled the tag and read the whole thing. Or, he just doesn't know what he's talking about. Or, he is trying to rip off some poor sucker.
I'll try to tell Dick that Darren is spoiling their good name. I'll say. I had a look and the whole thing gives the impression that you are dealing with Hilltop Orchids. I've never dealt with them; but, without reading the comments in this thread, I'd not have realized that this was not Hilltop's Ebay auction. Based on the various issues with the auction, I'd have decided to never ever deal with these people. I wonder how many potential customers this auction is scaring away from them?
Notice that out of the 3 plants, the one you get is the crappy one with the worst form and poor colour.
Don't mis the opportunity to buy ...AWARD WINNING PLANTS AND CULTIVATORS from Darren.
I'm thinking this one looks pretty good:
I can't understand why Dick would let Darren use Hilltop's name on Ebay. It's like me buying orchids from Oak Hill Gardens, then opening an Ebay store named "Oak Hill Gardens" and saying "Oak Hill Gardens" has expanded to Ebay.[/QUOTE]
What the heck is that thing?
Good point about opening as Hilltop! It is very misleading!!
Also, noticed, under feedback as a buyer,he bought a bunch of plants from Springwater and Shermantp. Both these vendors send great plants at a good price with very reasonable shipping-so he know the price of shipping!! (Guess he couldn't take those names because they are already in use.)
What the heck is that thing?
A 4" pot filled with concrete isn't going to weigh 15 lbs
A nice gold mix might do it. :crazy:
Or plutonium. A terrorist scheme for smuggling prohibited nuclear materials.
Don't say that too loud!!! you will soon have not only CITES but also the CIA interfering with the Orchids Hobby in the USA!!!oke:
I'm sure Homeland Security already monitors this board.
I've traded a couple of emails with Darren, who does appear to have a business relationship with Hilltop Orchids. So I apologize for implying otherwise. I think he is well meaning but is just a guy selling orchids for Hilltop and doesn't really know much about them. He did ask if I knew what the hybrid might be, but I'm not really sure.